- The Firm has to supply the material as per the specifications quoted by them and given by this office and complete the work on or before the due date specified in the supply/work order.
- The office has right to increase / decrease the quantity of the material / work if it is so required
- The Firm shall not sub-contract the work
- The Firm has to make their own arrangements to bring the materials from their premises to this office and no transportation facilities/charges to this affect be claimed against this office
- The Firm shall make good any defects or deficiencies noticed subsequently in the work/material at its own cost upto a period of 24 months from the date of supply/installation of the item
- The firm shall maintain the machinery after warranty period on Annual Maintenance Contract charges basis or on call basis, if required by this office
- Income Tax (Standard Deduction at source) at prescribed rates will be deducted on the total amount of Bill (less APGST)
- No advance payment will be made
- Payment will be made after completion of installation of all the items and satisfactory functioning of the items
- The office reserves the right to withdraw the supply order in full or in part, if the material/installation is not in conformity with the specifications, without payment of any compensation to the firm
- Bills for supply and installation shall be submitted in triplicate for arranging payment through cheque

Tenders and Notes
General Terms & Conditions
Various tenders that are called for supply of material/execution of miscellaneous minor works will be displayed on the website duly indicating the last date for receipt of tenders.
Terms and conditions vary from item to item. However, general terms and conditions are as follows:
Tender Notice
Sealed tenders are invited for providing manpower on outsourcing basis for the PAG’s
Office, Hyderabad from well established reputed firms/registered Service Providers for
providing security guards(Ex service men/Civil) for a period of one year extendable as per
the discretion of the PAG’s Office. Tender forms can be obtained from OE-I section, O/o
PAG (A&E), AP, Hyderabad, on payment of Rs.500(Rupees Five hundred only) (nonrefundable)
in cash between 11.00 am & 5.00pm from 5.11.2012 to 7.11.2012.
Last date 15-12-2012 download details
Tender 2
Quotations in a sealed cover ALONGWITH SAMPLES with specifications for each item may be sent on or before 28.11.2012(4.30 P.M). Download details