
30% IR
DTA letter
DR Jul 2010
DR Jan 2011 DR Jul 2011 58% DR 65% from 01.01.2012
DR at 72% from 01.07.2012 Enhancement of Medical Allowance to Rs.600/- DR 80% from 01.01.2013
DR@90% from 01.07.2013 Dearness relief at 100% from 01.01.2014 DR 107% from 01.07.2014
Payment of arrears of DA/DR to serving Govt. Employees, Pensioners from 01.04.2008 DR 113% to Assam pensioners / Family pensioners from 01.01.2015 Dearness relief of 119% from 01.07.2015.
Dearness relief of 125% from 01.01.2016 Arrears of DR from 01.10.2007 to 31.12.2007@9% and from 01.01.2008 to 31.03.2008 @12% Dearness relief of 131% from 01.07.2016
Grant of DR to serving employees, Pensioners and family pensioners from 01.04.2016 Grant of Dearness Relief of 4% to Assam Pensioners wef 01.01.2017 OM Regarding recommendations of Assam Pay and Productive Pay Commission 2017
OM regarding release of remaining arrears arising out of Revision of Pay and Pension of the State Govt. Pensioners/Family Pensioners for the period from 01/10/2016 to 31/03/2017 Payment of DR to 1% to Assam Govt.Pensioners/family Pension holders/Extra Ordinary Pension Holders in revised rates effective from 01.07.2017 applicable for revised pay scale as per A.S.(ROP) Rules, 2017 Medical Allowance to State Government Employees and pensioners etc.,
Medical Allowance to State Government Employees of Assam Revision of pension/family pension with effect from 01.04.2016 in respect of pre 01.04.2016 pensioners/family pensioners. Payment of Dearness relief to state govt. pensioners/family pension holders/extra ordinary pension holders in revised rates effective from 01.01.2018 applicable for revised pay scale as per A.S.(ROP) Rules,2017
Payment of Dearness relief to state govt. pensioners/family pension holders/extra ordinary pension holders in revised rates effective from 01.04.2016 applicable for revised pay scale as per A.S.(ROP) Rules,2017 Payment of DA/Dearnessto the serving govt.Employees/State Govt. pensioners/family pension holders/extra ordinary pension holders in revised rates effective from 01.07.2018 @ 9% applicable for revised pay scale as per A.S.(ROP) Rules,2017 Payment of Dearness relief to the state govt. pensioners/extra ordinary pension holders in revised rate @12% effective from 01.01.2019 applicable for revised pay scale as per A.S.(ROP) rules, 2017.
Payment of Dearness relief to the state govt. pensioners/family pensioner holders/extra ordinary pension holders in revised rate @7%% effective from 01.01.2018 applicable for revised pay scale as per A.S.(ROP) rules, 2017. Payment of DA/DR to the Serving State Govt. Employees /State Govt.Pensioners/FP holders/Extra ordinary pension holders/Compassionate FP holders in revised rates effective from 01.07.2023 applicable for revised pay scale as per A.S.(ROP) rules, 2017 Revised rates of DR @ 46% to Assam State Govt.Pensioners/FP/Extra ordinary pension holders with effect from 01.07.2023.
Payment of DA/DR (enhanced rate of 50%) to State Govt. Pensioners/Family Pension Holders/Extra Ordinary Pension Holders/Compassionate Family Pension Holders in Revised rates effective from 01.01.2024 applicable for revised pay scale as per A.S. (ROP) Rules, 2017. Grant of Additional DR @ 45(50%) w.e.f 01.01.2024 Payment of Dearness Allowance /Dearness Relief to the State Government Pensioners/Family Pension Holders/Extra Ordinary Pension Holders/Compassionate Family Pension Holders in Revised rates (@53%) effective from 01.07.2024 applicable for revised pay scale as per A.S. (ROP) Rules, 2017.

Arunachal Pradesh

DR Jul 09 Arrears DR Jul 2010
DR 01.01.2011 DR 01.07.2011 DR@65% from 01.01.2012
Enhancement of Medical Allowance to Rs. 200/- DR @65 from 01.01.2012 DR at 72% from 01.07.2012
DR 80% from 01.01.2013 DR 90% from 01.07.2013 DR @ 100% from 01-01-2014
DR 107% from 01.07.2014 to Arunachal Pradesh pensioners / Family pensioners DR 113% from 01.01.2015 to Arunachal Pradesh Pensioners and Family Pensioners. Revision of Pension to Arunachal Pradesh Pensioners/ Family Pensioners wef 01.01.2006 instead of 24.09.2012.
DR @119% from 01.07.2015 to Arunachal Pradesh Govt. Pensioners/ Family Pensioners. Fixed Medical Allowance @500/- to Arunachal Pradesh Pensioners/ Family Pensioners from 01.12.2014 Dearness relief of 125% from 01.01.2016
Implementation of the Govt decision on the recommendation of the VII CPC - Revision of pensioners/family pensioners Payment of Dearness relief @2% to the Arunachal Pradesh State Government Pensioners/family pensioners from 01.07.2016 Grant of Dearness Relief @4% to Arunachal Pradesh Govt. Pensioners,Family Pension from 01.01.2017
Grant of DR - Revised rate effective from 01.07.2017 Clarification of the effect of the additional quantum of Pension/Family pension - Reg. Payment of DR from 1.7.2016
Enhancement of medical allowance to Rs 100/-from 01.04.2018 Dearness relief to state government pensioners at 7% from 01.01.2018 Grant of DR to Arunachal Pradesh Govt. Pensioners w.e.f. 01.07.2018 @ 9%
Grant of DR to Central Govt. Pensioners revised rate effective from 01.07.2018 @ 9% DR @ 12% to Arunachal Pradesh pensioners/ family pensioners from 01.01.2019 Grant of DR @46% to state govt pensioners/ family pensioners wef 01.07.2023
Grant of DR to state govt pensioners/ family pensioners - Revised rates wef 01.07.2023 Grant of DR (46% to 50%) to Arunachal Pradesh Govt. Pensioners/Family Pensioners- Revised Rates w.e.f. 01.01.2024. Grant of Dearness Relief to Arunachal Pradesh Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners – Revised rates (50% to 53%) w.e.f. 01.07.2024- regarding.


Payment 6thcpc second instalment arrears to judges DR Jul 2010 Revision of Pension
HRA to Judicial services Retd Govt Servants1250-2000 w.e.f.01.08.2010 Dearness Relief from 01.01.2009 DR Jan 2011
Balance of Arrears of 45% of revised pension Medical facilities to High Court Judges DR from 01.07.2011
DR@65% from 01.04.2012 Compilation of GOs relating to Revision in 1990 DR 139% from 01.01.2012
DR 72% From 01.07.2012 DR at 151% from 01.07.2012 DR 80% from 01.01.2013
DR 90% from 01.07.2013 DR 100% from 01.01.2014 MA 200 from 01-08-2014 to Bihar pensioners
DR 107% from 01.07.2014 to Bihar Pensioner DR 113% to Bihar pensioners/ Family pensioners from 01.01.2015 DR @ 119%from 01-07-2015 to Bihar Pensioners
Dearness relief of 125% from 01.01.2016. Revision of Pension / Family Pension belonging to All India Services Officers in light of 7th Pay Commission Report of Bihar Revision of pension/FP of Bihar pensioners due to implementation of 7th pay commission w.e.f 01.04.2017
Increased dearness allowances 132% to 136% for pensioners/family pensioners w.e.f. 01.01.2017 DR @ 5% to Pensioners of Bihar state. Etc., Clarification regarding Medical Allowance of Rs. 1000/-
Regarding revision of Pension/Family Pension of Bihar Pensioners due to implementation of 7th Pay Commission with ready reckoners Revision of Pension of Pre-2016 retirees.Acceptance of recommendations. Grant of DR to Pensioners/Family Pensioners-from 5% to 7% wef 01/01/2018.
Grant of interim relief to retired judicial officers/family pensioners of Bihar judicial services w.e.f. 01/01/2016 Revision of pensioners of pre-2016 pensioners by Accountant General. Grant of DR @ 142% w.e.f. 01.01.2018-reg.
Payment of DR to the State Govt's pensioners of Government of Bihar 148% from 01.07.2018. Family pension to unmarried/widowed/divorced, dependent daughters beyond 25 yrs of age. Grant of DR @ 9% wef 01.07.2018.
Grant of DR @ 12% wef 01.01.2019 Dearness relief to the Central Government Pensioners from 01.01.2019 @ 154% in 6th CPC - reg. Dearness Relief to the Central Government Pensioners from 01.01.2019 @ 295% in 5th CPC- reg.
Grant of DA/Medical Allowance/Revision of pension/Amendment of pension rules of State Govt. Pensioners. DA @ 46 % Wef 01.07.2023. Grant of DR/Medical Allowance/Revision of pension/Amendment of pension rules of State Govt. Pensioners.
Grant of DR/ Medical Allowance/ Revision of Pension/ Amendment of Pension rules of stategovernment pensioner. Grant of Dearness Relief/ Medical Allowance/ Revision of pension/ Amendment of pension rules of state government pensioner. (50% to 53% w.e.f. 01.07.2024).


Revision of Pension & Family Pension DR Oct 2010 DR April 2011
Vidhan Sabha Sadasya Vetan Adhiniyam DR from 01.10.2011 51% DR @ 58% from 01.04.2012
DR of VI Pay Commission Pensioner revised from time to time DR at 65% from 01.08.2012 DR 127% from 01.04.2012
DR 72% from 01.11.2012 DR 151% from 01.11.2012 DR 80% from 01.01.2013
DR 80% from 01.01.2013 DR 90% from 01.07.2013 DR 166% from 01.01.2013
Dearness relief at 18.3% from 01.07.2013 DR 100% from 01-01-2014 DR 200% from 01-01-2014
DR 107% from 01.07.2014 to Chattisgarh pensioners / Family pensioners Grant of DR of 107% from 01.10.2014 Amended as 01.07.2014 DR 212% from 01.07.2014 to State Govt. Pensioners in Revision of Pay Rules 1998.
DR 113% to Chattisgarh pensioners/family pensioners from 01.01.2015 DR @223% to Chattisgarh Pensioners drawing pension in pre revised scales from 01-01-2015 DR @119% to Chattisgarh Pensioners/Family pensioners from 01.07.2015
DR @234% to Chhattisgarh Pensioners drawing pension in pre 1998 scales. Dearness relief of 125% from 01.01.2016 DR@ 245% to the pensioners / family pensioners who are in receipt of pension under RPS 1998 from 01.01.2016
Grant of DR on the Pension of the Pensioners of the state of Chattisgarh @ 132% from 01.07.2016 Sanction of DR@ 136% to the Chattisgarh Govt. Pensioners/Family Pensioners from 01.01.2017 Revised rate of DR to State Govt. Employees retired/dies on or after 01.01.2016
Revision of pension/family pension of the pensioners/ family pensioners retired before 01.01.2016 Instructions for revision of in respect of pre-2016 and post 2016 pensioners. Revision of pension of post 01.01.2016 retirees of Chhattisgarh .
Payment of 30% interim relief to chhattisgarh, judicial pensioners/family pensioners from 01.01.2016 . Enhancemnet of DA to the judicial officers to the state whose pay scale have not been revised on the basis of 7th pay commission as an interim measure and to judicial officers and to family pensioners form existing rates of 142% to 148% w.e.f from 01.07.2018. Chhattisgarh judicial service revision of pension and other retirements benefits rules-2003, amendment .
Grant of DR to central freedom fighter pensioners/ family pensioners@ 10% w.e.f. 01.01.2019 . 7th CPC revised rate of DR state govt. pensioners from 01.01.2018@ 7% 6th CPC- revised rate of DR state govt. pensioners from 01.01.2018@ 142%. DR to Chhattisgarh state govt. pensioners/family pensioners @ 9% in 7th CPC and 148% in 6th CPC wef 01.07.2018
Revised rate of Dearness Relief to the State Government Pensioners from 01.01.2019 @ 12% 7th CPC and @154% in 6th CPC - reg. Dearness Allowance payable to the Judicial Officers of the State whose pay scale have not been revised on the basis of the 7th Pay Commission as interim measure and to pensioner/family pensioner of Judicial Officers of the State from the existing rate of 148% to 154% w.e.f 01.01.2019 -reg. Revised rate of Dearness Relief to the State Government Pensioners-reg.
Revised rate of Dearness Relief to the State Government Pensioners-reg. Sanction of DR@46%(4% of basic pension/Family Pension) in 7th pay scale w.e.f 01.03.2024 & Sanction of DR@230% (9% of basic pension/family pension) in 6th pay scale w.e.f 01.03.2024. DA (46% to 50%) payable to the judicial officers of the state pensioners judicial officers and to family pensioners of deceased judicial officers of the state w.e.f 01.01.2024.
Enhacement of DR from 46% to 50% to pensioner Judicial Officers/Family Pensioners of Deceased Judicial Officers of the State w.e.f. 01.01.2024. Govt. of Chhattisgarh Lower and Higher Judicial Services (Pay Revision Pension and other Retirement Benefits ) Rules, 2023. Chattisgarh Lower and Higher Judicial Service(Pay Revision Pension and other Retirement Benefits)Rules, 2023
Chhattisgarh Lower and Higher Judicial Service (Pay Revision Pension and Other Retirement Benefits) Rules, 2023 and /or to Pensioner Judicial Officers and to Family Pensioners of deceased Judicial Officers of State, who are receiving Pension/Family pension as per revised pay scale, from the existing rate of 50% to 53% w.e.f. 01.07.2024 Acceptance of DR to the Pensioners of Chhattisgarh State @%50% in the 7th CPC and @239% in the 6th Pay Commission w.e.f 01.07.2024 - reg. Acceptance of Dearness Relief @ 50% in the 7th CPC and @239% in the 6th Pay Commission on pension to the Pensioners of Chhattisgarh State w.e.f. 01.10.2024 - reg.

Govt. of India

Govt of India OMs DR Jan 09 to Jan 2010 Monetary allowances to Ashok Chakra series of gallantry awards - revised rates
Relief to Retired High Court/Supreme Court Judges DR to Freedom Fighters Family pension to Unmarried/ dependent daughters of ex-Burma civil pensioners
Grant of relief to pensioners of High Court & Supreme Court DR 72% from 01.07.2012 DR 72% from 01.07.2012 to High court and Supreme court judges
DR 166% from 01.01.2013 DR 80% from 01.01.2013 DR 90% from 01.07.2013 to Supreme Court / High Court Judges
DR 113% to Central Pensioners / family pensioners DR 113% to Judges of Supreme Court/High Courts Pensioners/Family Pensioners DR 119% to Judges of Supreme Court, High Courts
DR 119% from 01.07.2015 to central Govt. Pensioners/ Family Pensioners Dearness relief of 125% from 01.01.2016. Provisions regarding Pension/Family pension / disabliity etc.
Implementation of Governments decision on 7th CPC revision of Pension of pre-2016 pensioners / family pensioners Decision of Government on recommendation of VII CPC Implementation of Governments decision on 7th CPC regulating Pension/Gratuity/Commutation
Dearness relief to Burma civilian pensioners/family pensioners and pensioners of displaced Govt pensioners from Pakistan who are Indian Nationals but receiving pension on behalf of Govt of Pakistan and are in receipt of adhoc ex-gratia allowance Grant of DR to Judges of Supreme Court and High courts 132% wef 1.7.2016 and @ 136% wef 1.1.2017 Enhancement of adhoc ex-gratia to Burma/Pakistan Civilian Pensioners/Family pensioners-retired CG Employees covered under Indo-pak agreement - 1949 etc.,
Grant of DR to the retired Judges of Supreme Court/High Courts at revised rates from 1.7.2016 onwards Grant of DR to retired Judges of Supreme Court/High Courts and family pensioners of such Judges-revised rates effective from 01.01.2018 Grant of DR to Central Government Pensioners/family Pensioners Revised rate w.e.f 01.01.2018
Grant of DR to Central Government Pensioners/family Pensioners Revised rate w.e.f 01.07.2018 at 9% Grant of DR to the retired Judges of Supreme Court/High Courts and family pensioners of such judges-revised rates effective from 1.7.2018 onwards Grant of DR to the retired Judges of Supreme Court/High Courts and family pensioners of such judges-revised rates effective from 1.1.2019 at 12%
Grant of DR to central govt. pensioners/family pensioners revised rate effective from 01.01.2019 @ 12% Grant of DR to the retired judges of Supreme Court/High Courts & family pensioners of such Judges - revised rates effective from 01.07.2023 (42% to 46%). Grant of DR(46% to 50%) to retired Judges of SC/HC and FP of Such Judges – revised rates w.e.f. 01.01.2024.
Enhancement of Maximum limit of retirement and death gratuity to AIS officers – Implementation of recommendation of the seventh central pay commission.. Roll out of the functionality developed in pension module of PFMS to enable digital processing of arears of pension/ family pension and fixed medical allowance in module of PFMS. Grant of DR to the retired judges of supreme court/High courts and family pensioners of such Judges - revised rates (from 50% to 53%) effective from 01.07.2024. /a>
Grant of Dearness Allowance (DA) to the Judges of Supreme court and High Courts- Revised Rates (50% to 53%) effective from 01.07.2024 Revision of rates (50% to 53%) of Dearness Allowance to Central Government employees- effective from 01.07.2024.


DR to AIS pensioners DR Jan 10 Revised Medical Allowance Govt decision on 6thcpc
DR from 1-1-2011 DR from 01.07.2011-58% Enhancement of State Freedom Fighers Pension
DR @65 from 01.01.2012 One time Bonus on the occasion of Golden Jubilee DR at 72%from 01.07.2012
One time bonus not admissible to FP cases DR 80% from 01.01.2013 Recovery of one time Bonus
DR 90% from 01.07.2013 Goa Freedom Fighters Welfare Rules 2013 DR 100% from 01.01.2014
DR 107% from 01.07.2014 DR 107% to Freedom Fighters Pensioners / Famil;y Pensioners w.e.f. 01-07-2014 DR 113% to Goa Pensioners / Family Pensioners from 01.01.2015.
Fixed medical allowance to pensioner/family pensioners from 01.06.2015 Honarary Pension Under the Goa Freedom Fighters Welfare Rule 2013. DR @119% from 01.07.2015 to State Govt. Pensioners / Family Pensioners.
Dearness relief of 125% from 01.01.2016. Implementation of Governments decision on the recommendations of Seventh Central Pay Commission. Revision of pension/family pension /gratuity/Commutation of pension/disability pension and other benefits to the Goa Government pensioners/family pensioners - Pre 2016 and Post 2016 Pensioners Grant of DR @4% to State Govt Pensioner/Family Pensioners -from 01.01.2017
Grant of DR@ 4% from 01.01.2017 to Central Government Pensioners Clarification regarding applicability of para 12 of Govt of Goa order No.8/1/2016-Fin(R&C)(B)dt 30.11.2016 for implementing 7th pay commission to Govt of Goa Pensioners/Family pensioners Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) to the GOA Govt Pensioners residing in area not covered under CGHS>
Grant of DR to state govt. Pensioners of Goa from 01.07.2017 Grant of DA to GOA State Freedom Fighter pensioners from 01/07/2016. Medical Allowance @ 1000/- Pension @ 3500/- p.m. Grant of DR to State Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners - Revised rate effective from 01/01/2018
Grant of DR to State Government Pensioners Dearness relief to Goa state freedom fighter pensioners at 136% from 01.01.2017; 139% from 01.07.2017 & 142% from 01.012018 Grant of DR to state govt pensioners/family pensioners-revised rate effective from 01.07.2018 @ 2%
Grant of DR to state govt pensioners/family pensioners-revised rate effective from 01.01.2019 @ 12% Dearness Relief @ 148 to State Govt. Pensioners/family Pensioners revised rate effective from 01.07.2018 Switch over from manual pension payment order to computerized pension payment order sheets-reg.
Grant of DR to Goa State freedom fighters of govt. of government of Goa-revised rate effecive from 01.01.2019 @ 154%. Revised rates of DA to the employess of CGov and Central Autonomous Bodies continuing to draw their pay in the pre-revised scale /Grade pay as per 5th CPC from 01.01.2023. Revised rates of DA to the employess of CGov and Central Autonomous Bodies continuing to draw their pay in the pre-revised scale /Grade pay as per 5th CPC from 01.01.2023.
Grant of DR to Goa state Freedom Fighter Pensioners of Govt of Odisha -Revised rate effective from 01.01.2023 @42%.-Reg. Grant of DR to Goa State Pensioners/FP -Revised rate effective from 01.07.2023(46%).-Reg. Revised rates of DA to the employees of Central Govt and central autonomous bodies continuing to draw their pay in the pay scale/Grade pay as per 6th p[ay commission.
Revised rates of DA to the employees of Central Govt and central autonomous bodies continuing to draw their pay in the pay scale/Grade pay as per 5th pay commission. Grant of Enhanced DR @ 46% to Goa State Pensioners/FP with effective from 01.07.2023. Grant of DR to Goa State Freedom fighter pensioners of Govt of Goa - Revised rate effective from 01.07.2023 @ 46%.
Revision of DR @46% to the Freedom Fighter pensioners/family pensioners wef 01/07/2023. Enhanced DR @239% wef 01/01/2024 to pensioners/family pensioners drawing in pre revised scale as per 6th Central Pay commission Revised rates of DR to the employees of Central Government and Central Autonomous Bodies continuing to draw their pay in the pre- revised Pay scale/Grade Pay as per 6th Central Pay Commission from 01.01.2024.
Grant of DR to Goa state Freedom Fighter pensioners of Govt of Goa- Revised rate effective from 01.01.2024 @50% from 46%. Grant of Dearness Relief to Goa State Freedom Fighter Pensioners @50% from 01/01/2024 Disbursement of Pay and Allowances of Gazetted and Non Gazetted Employees, and Pension of the Pensioners and Freedom Fighters for the month of October 2024 on Friday, 25th October, 2024.
Grant of Dearness Relief to State Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners- Revised rate (50% to 53%) effective from 01.07.2024.






DR January 2010 Govt. orders DR Jul 08 to Jan 09
DR July 2010 DR Jan 2010 & DR Jul 2010 prerevised scales DR Jul 2010 & second instalment of arrears during 2010-2011
Temporary increase to 5th pay commission pensioners from 01.07.2010 Temporary increase to 5th pay commission pensioners from 01.01.2011 Fixation of Minimum amount of Compassionate pension & Additional pension to pensioners above 80 years
DR from 01.07.2011-58% Temporary Increase 127% from 01.07.2011 Temporary increase to pensioners drawing pay in the 4th pay commission
Temporary increase to pensioners drawing pay in the 4th pay commission Recommendation of 6th Pay Commission - Full Pension to those retiring after 01.01.2006 Temporary Increase admissible from 01.01.2012
Grant of pension at 50% of last pay drawn Payment of VI CPC arrears DR 72% from 01.07.2012
DR 151% from 01.07.2012 Enhancement of Medical Allowances to Rs. 300/- Extension of date of option for 5th & 6th CPC
DR 80% from 01.01.2013 Extension of date of exercise of option DR 90% from 01.07.2013
Revision of provisions regulating pensionary benefits subordinate judicial officers of Gujarat State Dearness relief at 18.3% from 01.07.2013 Dearness relief at 100% from 01.01.2014
DR 107% to Gujarat Pensioners/ family pensioners from 01.07.2014 TI@166% of basic pension/FP from 01.01.2013 to Gujarat Pensioners TI 212 to pensioners who are drawing pension under 5th CPC from 01.07.2015
DR 113% to Gujarat Pensioners / Family Pensioners from 01.01.2015. DR/TI 119% from 01.07.2015 to Gujarat Pensioners / Family Pensioners. Family Pension Detail
Dearness relief of 125% from 01.01.2016. DR @ 245% Pensioners / Family Pensioners from 01.01.2016. Seventh Central Pay Commission -Revision of Provsions regulating pension/gratuity etc., of post 1-1-2016 Pensioners/Family Pensioners.
Grant of Temporary increase (DR) to State Government Pensioners/family pensioners wef 1.10.16 & 1.1.17. Grant of TI (DR) to state Govt. Pensioners/Family Pensioners, with effect from 01.07.2016 and 01.01.2017 (Revision of Pay rule, 2009, 6th Pay Commission).. Grant of Temporary Increase(Dearness Relief to state Govt.Pensoiners/family pensioners with effect from 01.07.2017.
Regarding Difference payment of Pension of 7th Pay Commission of State Government Pensioners. Difference of 7th Pay Commission to Pensioners. VI CPC -revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners/ family pensioners.
Implementation of the interim relief(pay) for subordinate judicial officer as recommended by the second NJPC @30%. Grant of temporary increase(DR) to state govt. pensioners/family pensioners wef 01.07.2016,01.01.2017,01.07.2017 and 01.01.2018(Revision of pay rule, 1998, 5th pay commission).. Grant of TI (DR) from 5% to @7% to state Govt. Pensioners/Family Pensioners, with effect from 01.01.2018 .
Regarding arrears of Difference of Pension under 7th Pay Commission to State Government Pensioners/family pensioners(2nd & 3rd installment) . Grant of temporary increase(DR) to state govt. pensioners/family pensioners with effect from 01.07.2018 @9% . Grant of temporary increase(DR) @ 139% fom 01.07.2017 and 142% from 01.01.2018.
Grant of Temporary Increase(Dearness Relief) to the State Government/Family pensioners wef 01.01.2019(Revision of Pay Scale, 2009 6th Pay Commission). @ 154% - reg.. Grant of Temporary Increase (Dearness Relief) to the State Government Pensioners/family Pensioners w.e.f., 01.07.2018 and 01.01.2019 (Revision of Pay Rule,1998 5th Pay Commission @ 284% and 295% -reg.. Restoration of Commuted Value of Pension after 13Yrs in r/o the members of All Inida Service/Retire All India Services Officers..
Resolution No.PGR/1098/6/M, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar dt:20.01.1998 of Fin Dept of Govt of Gujarat- reg.. Resolution No.PGR/10216-6-pay Cell(M), Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar dt:15.10.2016 of Fin Dept of Govt of Gujarat- reg.. Resolution No.PGR/1009-4-Pay Cell(M), Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar dt:13.04.2009 of Fin Dept of Govt of Gujarat- reg..
1. DR as per 6th CPC @ 212% wef 01.07.2022 and @221 % wef 01.01.2023. 2.DR as per 7th CPC @ 38 % wef 01.07.2022 and @ 42 % wef 01.01.2023.. Grant of Temporary increase (DR @ 46%) to Gujarat state govt pensioners/Family pensioners w.e.f 01.07.2024.. Grant of Temporary Increase (Dearness Relief) to Gujarat state Government Pensioners/family Pensioners with effect from Dated: 01.01.2024 (Admissible Rate 50% of the Basic Pay) & From 01.01.2024 as per the 7th Pay Commission..
Grant of Temporary Increase(DR) @50% to Gujarat State Govt. Pensioners/FP w.e.f. 01/01/2024.









Himachal Pradesh

DR from Jul 09 Implementation of Govt decision to pre2006 AIS pensioners Letter to DTA
2nd instalment of arrears payment to pensioners Revision or pension to post and pre2006 retirees Revision
Payment of arrears to 2006 retirees DR Jan 2010 DR from 1.7.2010; Arrears payment to Pre2006 on account of revision to pensioners retiring before 1.1.06 and after 1.1.06
DR from 01.01.2011 Arrears to Pre2006 pensioners on account of Revision of pension from 1.1.06 DR Jan 2011
Revision of 1/3 Commuted portion of pension to Govt. servants absorbed in PSUs Payment of arrears to post 2006 retirees Payment of arrears of i) 1/3 commuted portion; ii) Pre-2006 pensioners from 1.1.06; iii) Post-2006 retirees on account of leave encashment
Arrears on account of revision of 1/3 commuted portion of pension to absorbed employees Payment of Aarrears to Pre 2006 pensioners Arrears of revision of 1/3 commuted portion of pension to the absorbed Govt Servant.
DRfrom 01.07.2011 at 58% Payment of arrears to Post 2006 pensioners Enhancement of Medical Allowance to Rs. 250/- from 01.04.2012
DR at 72% from 01.07.2012 DR at 65%from 01.01.2012 ID proof for grant of additional quantum of pension
Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners DR 80% from 01.01.2013 Enhancement of Medical Allowance to Rs. 350
DR@90% from 01.07.2013 FP to the families of Military pensioners & handicapped children after marriage Pension allowance to pensioners attaining the age beyound 65 years
DR @100% from 01-01-2014 Grant of pension allowance to pensioners attaining the age of beyond 65 years, 70 years and 75 years @ 5%,10% and 15% DR 107% to Himachal Pradesh Pensioners / family pensioners from 01.07.2014
DR 107% to Himachal Pradesh Pensioners / Family Pensioners from 01.07.2014. Grant of domestic allowance to retired Judicial Officers and family pensioners, Grant of lump sum amount to Chief Justice and Judges retired from High Court of Himachal Pradesh Grant of domestic allowance to spouses of retired Chief Justices and Judges who retired from High Court of Himachal Pradesh.
DR 113% to Himachal Pradesh Pensioners / Family Pensioners from 01.01.2015 DR @119% to pensioners/ Family Pensioners of Himachal Pradesh from 01.07.2015. Interim Relief at 5% from 01.08.2016
Enhancement of DR to Himachal Pradesh Govt Pensioners / Family Pensioners from 119% to 125% w.e.f 01.01.2016 Procedure for Payment of Pension Allowance @5%,10%, and 15% to Rtd AIS officers of Himachal Pradesh Cadre on 65,70,75 years w.e.f. 01.04.2014. Grant of DR@125% to Himachal Pradesh Govt Pensioners / Family Pensioners w.e.f 01.01.2016.
Implementation of Govt's Decision on 7th CPC Revision of Pensions of pre and post 2016 AIS Pensioners / family pensioners of Himachal Pradesh Cadre DR @127% To Himachal Pradesh pensioners from 01.07.2016 Grant of Dearness Relief to the pensioners of Government of Himachal Pradesh From 01.07.2016
Grant of Dearness Relief to the pensioners of Government of Himachal Pradesh from 01.07.2016 Grant of DR @ 130% to Himachal Pradesh Government Pensioners wef 01.07.2016 Implementation of Govt decision on the recommendation of the 7th CPC in respect of AIS -Revision of pension of pre-2016 pensioner/family pensioners
Implementation of Govt decision on the recommendations of the seventh Central pay Commission in respect of All India services - Revision of pension of Pre 2016 pensioners/family pensioners of Govt of Himachal pradesh Grant of Interim Relief of 4% to Himachal pradesh pensioners wef 01.08.2017 Grant of Dearness Relief to Himachal Pradesh Govt. Pensioners and HP cadre AIS officers from 01.01.2017
Grant of Dearness Relief to Himachal Pradesh Govt. Pensioners/family pensioners-Revised rate effective from 01.07.2017 Grant of Interim Relief (@ 8%) to Himachal Pradesh Government Pensioners/family pensioners -w.e.f. 01.01.2016 Enhancement of rate of fixed medical allowance from Rs. 350/- P.M. to 400/- P.M. to the State Government Employees Pensioners
Grant of Interim Relief to Himachal Pradesh Government pensioners/family pensioner w.e.f 1.1.2016 Grant of additional Interim Relief @ 4% to Himachal Pradesh Government pensioners/family pensioner w.e.f 1.7.2018 Grant of Dearness Relief to Himachal Pradesh Government pensioners/family pensioner w.e.f 1.1.2018(140% & 7%)    
Grant of Dearness Relief to Himachal Pradesh Government pensioners/family pensioner w.e.f. 01.07.2018 (140% to 144%) Grant of Dearness Relief to Himachal Pradesh Government Pensioners/family Pensioners - Revised rate effective from 01.01.2019 @ 12% - reg. Payment of pension/family pension arrears to Pre-2016 & Post 2016 pensioners.
Revision of Pensionery Benefits of Retd. Judicial Officers w.e.f. 01.01.2016 . Revision of allowances and other benefits in r/o judicial officials, retd judicial officers /family pensioners and fitment tables of pension revision reg. . Revision of pensionary benefits to Retd.Judicial Officers/family pensioners wef 01/01/2016
Revision of allowances and other benefits to Retd.Judicial Officers/ family pensioners and Fitment tables of pension revision 1. Payment of arrears to pre-2016 pensioners/family pensioners on account of revision of pension/family pension w.e.f. 01.01.2016.2. Grant of Dearness Relief to Himachal Pradesh Govt. Pensioners/Family Pensioners.3. Payment of arrears to pre-2016 pensioners/family pensioners on account of revision of pension/family pension w.e.f. 01.01.2016.









Revision of pension DR Jul 2009 Second instalment
Second instalment DR Jan 2010 DR Jan 2010 ex-legislators & DR Jan 2010 unrevised pension
DR Jul 2010 DR FP compassionate appointment DR Jul2010 to Ex-Legislatures DR to pensioners on unrevised pension
Revision of provision regulating pension and other pensionery benefits Clarification therein DR Jan 2011 DA on pension to Ex-Legislators
Implementation of Government decision on pension & pension related matters-Revision of pension Implementation of Govt. decision on pension related matters DR from 01.07.2011-58%
DR to ex-Legislatures of Haryana Assembly DR from 01.01.2011 127% Counting of NPAof HCMS doctors pre 1.1.2006
Implementation of Govt decision of pre 1996 pensioners Dearness Relief at 65% from 01.01.2012 DR on unrevised pension @139% from 01.01.2012
DR 139% from 01.01.2012 to Ex-Legislators of Harayana Legislative Assembly Travel Concession to pensioners DR on unrevised pension 139% from 01.01.2012
Clarification regarding Travel Concession DR 72% from 01.07.2012 Revision of provision regulating pensionery benefits
Empanelment of Banks for payment of pension through e- Pension system DR 80% from 01.01.2013 DR 151% from 01.07.2012 to Ex-Legislators
DR@151% from 01.07.2012 & 166% from 01.01.2013 DR 166% FROM 01.01.2013 TO EX LEGISLATORS OF HARYANA Recovery of Additional Commutation
DR 90% from 01.07.2013 DR@135% from 01.07.2013 Admissibility of civil family pension and military family pension
Dearness relief at 100% from 01.01.2014 DR 200% from 01-01-2014 Harayana Civil Services(Judicial) & Haryana Superior Judl (Revision of Pension) Part I Revision
DR 107% to Harayana Pensioners / Family Pensioners from 01.07.2014 Haryana DR 212% to pensioners drawing pension in pre-revised scales Reduction of age of superannuation from 60 to 58years and from 62 to 60 in Group D cases Haryana
DR 21% to Haryana Ex-legislators from 01-07-2014 Revision of pension of pre 01.01.2006 pensioners of Haryana Govt. Revision of pension of pre-01.01.2006 Pensioners/Family Pensioners of Haryana
DR 113% to Haryana Pensioners/Family Pensioners from 01.01.2015 Revision of pension of pre 01.01.2006 pensioners / family pensioners of Haryana Amendment issued DR 223% to Haryana Pensioners / Family pensioners from 01.01.2015 on unrevised pensioners.
DR 223% from 01.01.2015 to Harayana Ex-MLAs. Harayana Civil Services (Revised Pension Part I Amendment) Rules 2015 Revision of Pension of Pre01.01.2006 to Haryana Pensioners / Family Pensioners.
DR 234% from 01.07.2015 on Unrevised Pension to Arunachal Pradesh Pensioners / Family Pensioners wef 01.07.2015 DR @119% from 01.07.2015 to Haryana Govt. Pensioners / Family Pensioners. DR @ 234% from 01.07.2015 t Ex-Legislators of Harayana
Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pension) Part II Amendments Rules,2009 Revision of pension of Pre 01.01.2006 Pensioners/Family Pensioners Dearness relief of 245% from 01.01.2016
Dearness relief of 125% from 01.01.2016 Dearness relief of 245% from 01.01.2016 to Ex MLAs Enhancement of Medical allowance to Rs.500/- from 01.01.2009
Implementation of Government Decision on pension and pension related matters Revn. Of Pension /Family pension - documents regarding (7th CPC) Grant of DR to State Government pensioners / family pensioners on revised rate wef 01.01.2017 Grant of DR to the State Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners on the revised rate i.e., 5% w.e.f 01.07.2017
Revision of Pension/family pension of Pre 01.01.2016 Pension/family pensioners of Haryana Govt(7th CPC) with effect from 01/01/2016 Increase in Fixed Medical Allowances to Rs 1000 w.e.f. 01.05.2018 Dearness relief to state government pensioners at 7% from 01.01.2018
Increase in Fixed Medical Allowances to Rs 1000 w.e.f. 01.05.2018 Haryana civil services(Judicial branch) and Haryana superior judicial services(revised) pension part-I amendment rules-2018-reg. 30% Interim relief to the retired judicial officers Haryana
Grant of DR to the State govt. pensioners/family pensioners on the revised rates i.e. 9% w.e.f. 01.07.2018 Interim relief to the Judicial Officers, Haryana(Post 01.01.2016 Retirees) @ 30%-reg. Payment of DR@46% to the State govt. pensioners/family pensioners w.e.f 01.07.2023-Reg.
Payment of DR@50% to Haryana Govt Pensioners/Family Pensioners w.e.f. 01.01.2024 Issue of Stay order on recovery of Commuted Value of Pension from pensioners who have completed 10 years of retirement and above. Issue of stay order on recovery of Commuted Value of Pension.
Payment of revised Dearness Allowance and Dearness Relief(50% to 53%) to the Haryana Government employees & pensioners/family pensioners, who are drawing their pay & pension /family pension as per 7th Pay/Pension /commission /Structure, w.e.f. 1st July, 2024. Issue of stay order on recovery of Commuted Value of Pension—Vacation of Stay Order.









DR from Jan 09 and Jul 09 Medical Allowance 60% arrears payment to pensioners
Letter to DTA Special Seal Authority DR Jan 10
DR Jul 2010 DR Jan 2011 .DR 51% from 01.01.2011 & rectification of rates of DR
DR from 01.07.2011 & others DA rates on unrevised pension from 01.07.2008 etc Dearness Relief at 65% from 01.01.2012
DR139% from 01.01.2012 on pre-revised pension DR 151% 01.07.2012 DR 80% from 01.01.2013
DR at 72% from 01.07.2012 DR 166% from 01.01.2013 DR 90% from 01.07.2013
DR 100% from 01.01.2014 DR 107% from 01.07.2014 to Jharkhand Pensioners DR 113% to Jharkhand pensioners / family pensioners from 01.01.2015
DR 119% to Jharkhand Pensioners / Family pensioners wef 01-07-2015. DR@125%to Jharkhand Pensioners /Family Pensioner FROM 01.01.2016 Revision of pension to pre-2006 drawing pension in prerevised scales
Revision of Pension/ FP of pre 01.01.2006 Pensioners DR @ 132% from 01.07.2016 to Jharkhand pensioners/family pensioners Revision of provisions regulating pension - commutation of pension/family pension / ex-gratia lump -sum compensation,for State Government employee w.e.f 1.1.16
Enhancement of rate of DR to Jharkhand state Govt.Pensioners @ 132% from 01.07.2016 Grant of DR to @4% to Jharkhand Pensioners from 01.01.2017 Enhancement rate of DR to the Jharkand State Govt Pensioners/Family Pensioners w.e.f 01.07.2017 (Enhanced from 136% to 139%)
Grant of DR on Pension/family pension of retired Judges of Supreme Court/High Courts and family pensioners of such Judges revised rates 132% effective from 01.07.2016 and 136% 01.07.2017 Enhancement of DR to the Jharkhand state Govt. Pensioners/family pensioners with effect from 01.07.2017 from 4% to 5% Revision of Pension on the Basis of 7th Pay Commission
Enhancement of DR to the Jharkhand State Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners - wef 01/01/2018 (Enhanced from 139% to 142%) Enhancement rate of medical relief to the Jharkhand state govt. pensionres/family pensioners w.e.f. 01.06.2018(enhanced from Rs. 300/-to Rs 1000/-) Grant of 30% Interim Relief to the pensioners of Jharkhand Judicial Service w.e.f. 01.01.2016  
Enhancement of DR to the Jharkhand State Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners - wef 01/01/2018 (Enhanced from 05% to 07%) Enhancement of DR to the Jharkhand State Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners - wef 01/07/2018 (Enhanced from 07% to 09%) Enhancement rate of DR to the Jharkhand State Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners - wef 01/07/2018 fifth pay (Enhanced to 284%)& 6th pay w.e.f 01.07.2018(enhanced to 148%).
Enhancement of DR to the Jharkhand State Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners - wef 01/01/2019 @ 12%. Enhancement of rate of DR of pre revised pay scale to the Jharkhand State Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners - wef 01/01/2019(Enhanced from 148% to 154%). Dearness Relief of Pre Revised Pay Scale(5th Pay) to the Jharkhand State Government Pensioners/family Pensioner w.e.f., 01.01.2019 (from 284% to 295% - Reg.
Enhancement of DR to the Jharkhand State Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners - wef 01.07.2023(42% to 46%)-Reg. DR to the Jharkhand State Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners @ 46% - wef 01.07.2023.-Reg. Enhancement rate of DR (46% to 50%) to Jharkhand State Govt. Pensioners/Family Pensioners w.e.f. 01.01.2024.
Grant of Medical Allowance & Home Orderly Help Allowance to the Jharkhand state Judicial Service pensioner/family pensioner's w.e.f 01.01.2016.

Jammu & Kashmir


DR from Jul 09 Int on arrears Spl FA 2008-09
Letter to DTA Special Seal Authority DR Jan 10
Adhoc bonus and SplFA DR UGC AICTE Jan 09 DR Jan 10 & FA 2009-10
Revision of pension to pre 1996 retirees coming under UGC/AICTE/ME schemes Revision of pension to judicial officers and revision to pensioners retired/expired between Mar 2002 and Jun 2004 DR Jul 2010
Revision of pension/family pension of pensioners coming under UGC/AICTE/ME DR Jan 2011 .Revision of pension & other related benefits consequent on revision of pay scales from 01.07.2009-9th pay commission
Revision of pension of pre-1.7.09 pensioners Grant of Special Festival Allowances DR to Judicial Officers from 01.07.2011
Pension limits to part time contingent pensioners DR from 01.07.2011 Implementation of 9th Pay Revision Commission GO 86 (in continuation of GO 87)
Revision of Pension of pre 1.7.2009 pensioners -anomaly in fixing Pension DR@65 from 01.01.2012 DR to the UGC, AICTE pensioners from 01.07.2010 onwards
Revision of pension - Pre 01.07.2009 UGC Principals Revision of pension to the personal staff of Ministers, leaders of opposition Chief Whip Revised pensionery benefits of High Court Staff
Special festival advance Revised pensionery benefits of Medical Education Department DR at 72% from 01.07.2012 to Judicial Officers
DR from 01.07.2010 & 01.07.2011 to UGC/AICTE Pensioners DR from 01.07.2012 DR 80% to retired Judicial Officers
DR from 01.01.2013 DR from 01.01.2012 to UGC/AICTE/ME pensioners Grant of Festival Allowance for the year 2012-2013
DR 90% to Kerala Judicial pensioners from 01.07.2013 Guidelines for DR Payment of arrears on revision sanctioned from 01.07.2009
Dearness relief at 100% from 01.01.2014 to Judicial Officers Part time teachers - revision of pension Arrears of DR from 01.07.2013
DR from 01.01.2014 Payment of arrears FA to kerala Pensioners from 2013-14 DR 107% from 01.07.2014 to Judcl officers
DA to State Govt. Employees and DR to Pensioners from 01.07.2014 DR to pensioners/ Family Pensioners coming under Judicial Officers category @107% from 01-01-2015 DR 113% in Kerala Pensioners / Family Pensioners from 01.01.2015 and Special FA 14-15.
DR @ 119% from 1-07-2015 to Kerala Judicial Officers Revision of Pension of DR to Kerala Pensioners / Family Pensioners wef 01.07.2015. Revision of Pension & related benefits from 01.07.2014 to kerala pensioners
Ex-personel staff of Ministers, Leader of opposition govt. Chief Whip revision of family pension and enhancement of rate of medical allowance. DR@125% to Kerala Judicial Officers from 01.01.2016 Dearness relief at central rates from 01.01.2016
Revision of pension to part time contingent employees from 01.07.2014. Revision of pension of persons directly recruited to the Personal Staff of Ministers Leaders of Opposition, Chief Whip of Kerala state wef 01.07.2014 Dearness relief on pension including those coming under UGC/AICTE/Medical Education schemes from 01.07.2016
Adhoc bonus & special festival allowance 2014-15 to kerala state pensioners Revision of pension and other related benefits consequent on revision of pay scales from 1.7.14 in accordance with recommendations of the 10th Pay revision Commission Adhoc bonus & special festival allowance 2015-16 to Kerala State pensioners
Kerala state pensioners - revision of pension wef 01.07.2014 payment of 1st instalment of arrears - clarification reg. Kerala state pensioners - revision of pension wef 01.07.2014 -payment of 1st instalment of arrears clarification reg. Grant of DR to Kerala Government Pensioners wef 01.01.2017
Grant of DR to Kerala Pensioners drawing Pension in UGC/AICTE/Medical Education schemes and those drawing @ Central Government rates from 01.01.2017 Grant of Special Festival Advance to Kerala State Service Pensioners/Family Pensioners for the year 2016-17 Grant of Dearness Relief to the retired State Judicial Officers - revised rate effective from 01.07.2017
Kerala State service pensioners/family pensioners - revision of pension w.e.f 1.7.2014 Enhancement of Dearness relief to State Judicial Officers Revision of Pension From 1.7.2014 payment of 3rd installment
Grant of DR on pension to the State Govt. Pensioners/ Family Pensioners including those coming under UGC/AICTE/MEDICALEDN. Schemes and those drawing DR at Central Rates w.e.f.01.07.2017 Pay and Pension revision 2014- payment of second instalment of arrears- revised orders issued Grant of interim relief to state judicial officers pensioners/family pensioners w.e.f. 01.01.2016
Enhancement of DR to retired state judicial officers- revised rate(148%) w.e.f. 01.07.2018 Enhancement of DR to retired state judicial officers- revised rate(154%) w.e.f. 01.01.2018 Sanction of Ad-hoc bonus and Special festival allowance 2017-18 to Kerala State Government Employees and Pensioners - reg.
State Judicial Officers-computation of Commutated Value of pension reckoning the commutation factor applicable to state Service Pensioners Grant of Dearness relief to Kerala State Govt.Pensioners/Family Pensioners including those coming under UGC/AICTE/Medical Education Scheme for those drawing DR at Central Rates, wef 01.01.2018 and 01.07.2018 at the revised scale-reg Ad hoc bonus and special festival advance 2018-19 to Kerela state govt. employees and pensioners-reg..
Second NJPC Pension Structure to retired Judicial Officers of Subordinate Judiciary Grant of revised rate of DR to the Employees and Pensioners of Kerala State Govt. w.e.f. 01.04.2024. Grant of revised rate of DR to the judicial pensioners of Kerala state govt w.e.f 01.01.2023, 01.07.2023, 01.01.2024.
Grant of revised rate of Dearness Relief to the State Judicial Officers and State Judicial Pensioners of Kerala State Government w.e.f 01.01.2023, 01.07.2023, 01.01.2024. Family pension to physically disabled /mentally challenged children-applicability of Permanent UDID card-reg. Granting of family pension through guardian on production of guardianship Certificate obtained for limited/unlimited period-reg.
Granting of Family Pension through guardian on production of guardian ship Certificate obtained for limited/unlimited period-reg. Family pension to physically disabled/mentally challenged children-applicability of permanent UDID card-reg. Dearness Relief on pension with effect from 10/2024 to the State Service Pensioners and Family Pensioners including those coming under UGC/AICTE/Medical Education Schemes and in respect of State Judicial Pensioners/Family Pensioners of Kerala state Government-reg.










DR jul 2009 Corrigendum to DR Jul 2009 DR UGC Jul 2005
DR Jan 10 DR Jul 2010 Revision of UGC_AICTE_ICAR Scale pensioners retiring between 1.7.05 and 31.12.05
DA to AICTE Scale pensioners retiring after 01.01.2006 DA to UGC_ICAR_FNJP Scale pensioners Retiring after 01.01.2006 Additional Pension from 01.04.2006 to the pensioners who retired/expired prior to 01.07.1993
DA to pensioners of pre-revised AICTE scales of pay from 01.01.2011 DA to pensioners of 2006 UGC/ICAR/FNJPC scales from 01.01.2011 DA from 01.07.2011-69.5%
DR to pre-2006 UGC/ICAR/FNJPC scale pensioners DR from 01.01.2011 62.5% IR from 01.11.2011 15%
Enhanced pension as per age Additional Quantum of Pension from 01.04.2006 DR 76.75% from 01.01.2012
DR 65% from 01.01.2012 Revision of Pensionery benefits - Official Pay Committee 2011 DR @ 4% from 01.07.2012
Corrigendum to DA orders in FD229 Revision of pension of teachers under UGC-06 retiring after 1.1.06 but prior to 1.4.12 Clarification regarding consolidation of pention of pre 01-042012
DR 9% from 01.01.2013 to UGC pensioners DR 9% from 01.01.2013 Consolidation of UGC 1996 pensioners
DR 15% from 01.07.2013 DR 90% from 01.07.2013 Dearness relief at 100% from 01.01.2014 to Judicial Officers
Dearness relief at 21% from 01.01.2014 DR25.25 from 01.07.2014 to karnataka UGC / AICTE pensioners DR 28.75% to Karnataka State Pensioners / Family pensioners from 01.01.2015.
DR 32.50% from 01.07.2015 to Karnataka Pensioners / Family Pensioners, UGC, AICTE DR @36% from 01.01.2016 to karnataka Pensioners/Family Pensioners Dearness relief of 125% from 01.01.2016
Grant of DR@40.25% to Pensioners of Karnataka State & UGC/AICTE/ICAR w.e.f 01-07-2016. Revision of Rates of DR to 43.25% from 01.01.2017  
Grant of DR to pensioner of Karnataka State & UGC/AICTE/ICAR Scales of Pay @ 45.25% from 1.7.2017 Revision of Pension/FP as per recommendations of Pay Commission Grantof dearness allowance pensioners of karnataka state with effect from 01.01.2018.
Grantof dearness allowance pensioners of karnataka state with effect from 01.07.2018 @ 3.75%. Grant of additional pension Grant of additional pension to all the State govt. Pensioners / Family pensioners who are 80 years and above-implementation of the recommendation of the 6th state pay commission
Grant of DA to Karnataka state w.e.f. 01.01.2019 @6.50% Grant of dearness Allowance to Pensioners of Karnataka State with effect from 01.01.2019 @ 11.25% Grant of dearness Allowance to Pensioners of Karnataka State with effect from 01.07.2023
Grant of revised DR @ 38.75% to pensioners/family pensioners wef 01/07/2023 Grant of DA@ 42.5% (from 38.75%) to Pensioners of Karnataka State w.e.f/ 01.01.2024 Grant of revised DR @ 42.50% to Pensioners/family pensioners State w.e.f. 01.01.2024
Revision of Pension/Family Pension to Pensioners/Family Pensioners of Karnataka State w.e.f: 01/08/2024 as per 7th SPC. Revision of Pension/Family Pension to Pensioners/Family Pensioners of Karnataka State with effect from 1st August 2024 as per 7th SPC.




Ministry of Home Affairs


DR July 2008 to July 2009 DR 01.07.2011 DR to pre 01.01.2006 retirees from 01.01.2009
DR 58% from 01.07.2012 Dependency criterion for two family pensions DR at 65% from 01.10.2012
FP to childless widow after remarriage DR 72% from 01.01.2013 Enhancement of Medical allowance to Rs.200/-
DR @90% & 100% From 01-10-2013 & 01-07-2014 Grant of DR 80% to Mizoram pensioners Family pensioners 01-07-2013 DR 113% to Mizoram State Pensioners/Family Pensioners from 01.04.2015.
Eligibility for getting 2 family pensions to Mizoram Pensioners Adoption of revised rates of Gallantary awards Dearness relief of 119% from 01.01.2016
Enhancement of Medical Allowance to Rs. 500/- Addendum on revised Pension Scheme for post 01.01.2016 retirees. Enhancement of Fixed Medical allowance from Rs.200/- to Rs.500/- w.e.f 01-07-2016
Enhancement of DR from 119% to 125% to the Mizoram Government pensioners/family pensioners from 01.10.2016 Increase of DR from 132% to 136% to the Mizoram Govt. Pensioners/Family Pensioners from 01.01.2017 Increase of DR from 119% to 126% from 01.07.2016 and Increase of DR to Mizoram Govt Pensioners/Family Pensioners to 132% from 125% wef from 01.10.2016
Increase of DR from 139% to 142% to the Mizoram Govt. Pensioners/ Family Pensioners w.e.f. 01.01.2018 Increase of DR from 136% to 139% to the Mizoram Govt. Pensioners/ Family Pensioners w.e.f. 01.07.2017 Payment of DR to the Mizoram govt. pensioners/family pensioners(9%).
Revised pension scheme to pensioners of Mizoram State. Revised pension scheme to pensioners of Mizoram State. Increase of DR from 142% to 148% to the Mizoram Govt. Pensioners/family pensioners for 2 months july,2018 and august,2018.
Minimum Pension Rs 8700/- with immediate effect. Increase of DR to 36% to Mizoram pensioners/family pensioners wef 01/09/2023



DR Jul 09 Pay-commission Corrigendum DR Jun 2010
DR Jun 2010 prerevised DR Nov 2010 DR 01.07.2009
DR 01.05.2011 DR 115% from 01.05.2011 DR fron 01.10.2011 58%
DR@127% from 01.10.2011 to the pensioners of pre revised scales DR 56% from 01.04.2012 DR @ 139% from 01.01.2012 on pension of pre-revised scales
Arrears of DR from 01.01.2012 to 31.03.2012 DR 139% from 01.01.12 DR at 72% from 01.07.2012
Payment of Arrears of DR 72% from 1.7.12 DR 80% from 01.01.2013 Payment of Arrears of DR from 01.01.2013
DR 90% from 01.07.2013 DR 151% from 01-07-2012 Revision of pension of AIS pensioners
Payment of arrears of DR 90% DR 100% from 01.01.2014 DR 183% from 01.07.2013
Additional quantum of pension to elderly pensioners DR 200% from 01.01.2014 pre revised pensioners & family pensioners Arrears of DR from 01-01-2014 to 30-04-2014 on 200% DR for those drawing pension in pre revised scale of Maharastra Pensioners / Family pensioners
Arrears of Dr 100 from 01.01.2014 to 30.04.2014 to maharastra pensioners / family pensioners DR 107% from 01.07.2014 payable in cash from 01.02.2015 to Pensioners / Family Pensioners. Grant of 10% increase in pension to pensioners after 80 years of age from 01-04-2014.
Arrears on DR 107% to Maharastra Pensioners and Family Pensioners from 01.07.2014 to 31.01.2015 DR 212% to Maharastra Pensioners/Family pensioners from 01.07.2014 drawing pension in pre-revised scales. Payment of dual family pension from military as well as civil employment
DR @113% to Maharastra Pensioners and family pensioners w.e.f 1.1.2015 Arrears of DR 113 from 01.01.2015 to 30.09.2015 to Maharashtra Pensioners DR@223%to pensioners drawing in pre revised scales from 01.01.2015
DR@119% from 01-07-2015 to Maharashtra pensioners DR@234% from 01.07.2015 to Maharashtra pensioners drawing pension in pre-revised scale
Payment of arrears of DR 119% Dearness Relief @ 125% on Pension / Family Pension w.e.f 1st January 2016 Dearness Relief @245% w.e.f 1st January 2016 to the Pensioners/Family Pensioners who draw their Pension/Family pension in the pre revised scale
Arrears of Dearness Relief to the Pensioners/ Family pensioners who draw their pension / family pension the pre revised scale w.e.f. ist July, 2015 to 31 st January, 2016. Arrears of Dearness Relief to the pensioners/ Family Pensioners who draw their Pension / Family Pension in the Pre revised scale w.e.f 01/01/2016 to 31/08/2016 @245% Arrears of Dearness Relief on Pension / Family Pension w.e.f 01/01/2016 to 31/08/2016 - @125%
Revision of pension of officers in Maharashtra Cadre of AIS retired before 1.1.16 as per recommendations of 7th pay commission Increasing the pension payable to the Freedom Fighters/their spouses Enhancement to DR to 132% from 1st July 2016 to the state government pensioners/Family pensioners
DR @ 136% to Maharashtra state Pensioners/family pensioners with effect from 01.01.2017 DR@ 268% w.e.f. 01.07.2017 to the Pensioners/Family pensioners who draw their Pension Family Pension in the Pre-revised scale from 5% to 7% wef 01-01-2018 DR from 1.7.2017 from 136% to 139%
Payment of arrears of dearness relief for the period from 01.01.2017 to 31.01.2018 to the pensioners/family pensioners Payment of arrears of dearness relief for the period from 01.01.2017 to 31.01.2018 to the pensioners/family pensioners who draw their pension in pre-revised scale. Dearness relief on pension/family pension@142% from w.e.f. 01.01.2018
Payment of arrears of dearness relief for the period from 01.01.2018 to 30.09.2018 to the pensioners/family pensioners Implementation of the interimrecommendations of the second NJPC under the chairmanship of Hon'ble justice shri P.V. Reddy to the subordinate judicial officers, pension holder judicial subordinate officers and family pension holder w.e.f. 01.01.2016 Revision of pension/family pension of pre 1st January 2016 pensioners/ family pensioners as per 7th pay commission.
Modification in the Mahrashtra Civil services(Pension) rule 1982.Revision of pension/family pension of those who retired after 01.01.2016, as per the recommendations of seventh pay commission 1.DA increase to 42% w.e.f from 01/01/2023 2.DA increase to 221% being drawn in pre-revised(6th cpc) scale w.e.f 01/01/2023 3.DA increase to 412% being drawn in the pre-revised scale (5th cpc) w.e.f 01/01/2023 Enhancement of State Govt Freedom Fighter Pension of state govt freedom fighters pensioners/spouses - Reg.
Enhancement of Freedom Fighter pension to Freedom Fighter pensioners / spouses 1.DR increase to 46% on Pension/FP w.e.f from 01.07.2023 2.DR increase to 230% being drawn for Pensioners/FP in pre-revised(6th Pay) scale w.e.f 01.07.2023 3.DR increase to 427% for Pensioners/FP being drawn in the pre-revised scale (5th Pay) w.e.f 01.07.2023 4.Govt. Resolution, Fin Dept. No.DRP-2023/C-R60/SER-4 dt:05.07.2023.-Reg DR of 17% w.ef. 01.07.2019 to the pensioners/FP. (12% to 17%)-Reg.
DR of 28% w.e.f 01.07.2021 to the pensioners/FP. (17% to 28%)-Reg. DR of 31% w.ef. 01.07.2021 to the pensioners/FP. (28% to 31%)-Reg. DR of 34% w.ef. 01.07.2022 to the pensioners/FP. (31% to 34%)-Reg.
1.DR of 38% w.ef. 01.07.2022 to the pensioners/FP. (34% to 38%) 2.DR increase to 212% for the pensioners/FP being drawn in 6th pay w.e.f 01.07.2022 3.DR increase to 396% for the pensioners/FP being drawn in the 6th pay w.e.f 01.07.2022-Reg. Increase in Pension/Family Pension to Pensioner/Family Pensioners of 80 years of age and above w.e.f. 01.01.2024 1. Dearness Relief increase to 50% on Pension/Family pension w.e.f. 01.01.2024.2. Dearness Relief increase to 239% for the pensioners/family pensioners being drawn in the Pre-revised scale (Sixth Pay) w.e.f. 01.01.2024.3. Dearness Relief increase to 443% for the pensioners/family pensioners being drawn in the Pre-revised scale (Fifth Pay) w.e.f. 01.01.2024.
1. DR @50% on pension and family w.e.f. 01/01/2024 2. DR @239% for the pensioners/FP being drawn in the Pre-revised scale(Sixth Pay) w.e.f. 01/01/2024 3. DR @443% for the pensioners/FP being drawn in the Pre-revised scale(Fifth Pay) w.e.f. 01/01/2024

Madhya Pradesh

DR from Nov. 2009 to Jan 2010, Consolidation of pension, revision of pension 2006 Arrears to deceased Govt servants  DR Jul 2010
DR April 2011 Bus traveling allowance to Vidhan Sabha Pensioners Consolidated pension of post-01.01.2006 pensioners
DR to Judicial Officers DR from 01.10.2011 51% DR@58% from 01.04.2012
Revision of pensionery benefits - Ex MLAs DR 65% from 01.10.2012 to judicial officers DR at 72% fro 01.11.2012
DR at 65% from 01.08.2012 DR 72% from 01.07.2012 to High Court Judges DR 90% from 01.07.2013
DR 80% from 01.01.2013 DR 100% from 01.01.2014 DR 107% to Madhya Pradesh Judicial Pensioners / family pensioners from 01.07.2014
DR 107% to Madhya Pradesh Pensioners / Family Pensioners from 01- 10-2014 Consolidation and revision of pension to MP universities pensioners as per 6th pay scale Arrears of DR @107% from 01.07.2014 to 30.09.2014 to MP Pensioners
Dual Pension to Military & Civil Family Pensioners of Madhya Pradesh Government. DR 113%from 01.01.2015 to pensioners and family pensioners of Madhya Pradesh Consolidation of pension of MP pensioners / family pensioners, retd/died prior to 01.01.2006
DR @ 113 from 01.01.2015 and @119% from 01.07.2015 to MP Judicial Officers DR @119% to Madhya Pradesh Pensioners / Family Pensioner from 01.07.2015 Dearness relief of 125% from 01.01.2016
7% Dearness relief on pension of the pensioners of the State of Madhya Pradesh w.e.f 1.12.16(132%) Payment of arrears of Dearness Relief from July 2016 to November 2016 Grant of dearness relief @ 136% from 01.01.2017 to the Madhya Pradesh pensioners
Grant of DR @136% on Pension/Family pension to Madhya Pradesh Government pensioners retired as Judicial officer Dearness Allowance @142% w.e.f. 01.07.2018 on Pension/ Family Pension to the Madhya Pradesh State Govt. Pensioners retired as a Judicial Officer Revision of pension in case of officials who have retired before 01.01.1996 as per recommendation of 5th pay commission
Revision of pension of pensioners/family pensioners of Madhya Pradesh who retired prior to 01.01.2016 Revision of pension who retired on or after 01.01.2016 and DR wef 01.01.2016, 01.07.2016 @ 2%, 01.01.2017 @4% (b) grant of DR wef 01.01.2018 @7% & 01.07.2018 @ 9% Grant of DR to the retired judges of supreme court/ high courts and family pensioners of such judges- revised rates effective from 01.01.2019 @ 12%.
Enhancement of DR tp Madhya Pradesh state pensioners from 01.01.2018 and from 01.07.2018 at 142% & 7% and 148% & 9% respectively. DR @ 148% from 01.07.2018 to Madhya Pradesh Judicial Service officers. Interim relief @ 30% to Madhya Pradesh judicial service officers and payment of arrears from 01.01.2016.
Revised rate of dearness relief to the Pensioners/Family pensioners of Government of Madhya Pradesh from 01.01.2019 @ 154% in VIth Pay scale and 12% in VIIth pay scale - reg. Revised rate of dearness relief to the Pensioners/Family pensioners of Government of Madhya Pradesh from 01.07.2023 @ 42%/221%. Govt of Madhya Pradesh Order Regarding Revised Rate of DR 46% in 7th pay scale 230% in 6th pay scale to Pensioners/ Family Pensioners Of State of Madhya Pradesh w.e.f. 01.03.2024.
Grant of DR (46% to 50%) to Central Govt. Pensioners/ Family Pensioners – revised w.e.f. 01.01.2024. 1. DR @46% wef 01/07/2023 to Retd.Judicial Officers & 2. DR@50% wef 01/01/2024 to Retd. Judicial Officers Regarding payment of DR to the retired members of MP Judicial Service at par with Central Govt pensioners/family pensioers
1.NJPC orders- Revision of pension rules, 2022 to Retd.Judicial Officers Government of Madhya Pradesh order regarding revised rate of Dearness Relief @ 50% in the 7th Pay Scale and @239% in the 6th Pay Scale w.e.f. 01.10.2024 to Pensioners / Family Pensioners of state of Madhya Pradesh.



DR from Jul 09 DR Jan 2010 Revision of Pension/FP pages 1-20
Revision of Pension/FP pages 21-60 Revision of Pension/FP pages 61-80 Revision of Pension/FP pages 81-105
DR Jul 2010 DR from 01.01.2011 DR from 01.07.2011 58%

DR 72% from 01.07.2012

Payment of DR to Nagaland Government pensioners/family pensioners @136% from 01.01.2017

Revised rules regarding fixation of pension under VII CPC

DR 100% from 01-01-2014 DR 107% from 01-07-2014 Dr 113% from 01.01.2015 to Nagaland Pensioners and Family Pensioners.
DR @119% from 01.07.2015 and 125% from 01.01.2016 Dr @ 1232% to Nagaland pensioners/family pensioners from 01.07.2016 Revision of pension /family pension belongs to All India Services Officers in the light of 7 CPC

DR 72% from 01.07.2012

Payment of DR to Nagaland Government pensioners/family pensioners @136% from 01.01.2017

Payment of DR to the Nagaland state Govt. Pensioner's and family pensioners revised rate from 136% to 139% Basic Pension w.e.f. 01.07.2017

Revision of Pay and Pension of Nagaland Government Pensioners/FP

Dearness relief to Nagaland Govt Pensions at 7% Á 142% from 01.01.2018

Payment of DR to Nagaland Government pensioners/family pensioners from 01.01.2018

Enhanced dearness relief to the nagaland state govt. pensioners w.e.f,01.07.2018

Revision of pension in respect of Nagaland govt. pensioners/family pensioners

Enhanced Dearness relief to the nagaland State Govt.Pensioners and Family pensioners wef 01-01-2019

Enhancement of DR to the Nagaland State Govt Pensioners and Family pensioners w.e.f 01.07.2023.

Enhancement of Dearness relief(46% to 50%) to the Nagaland State Government pensioners’ and family pensioners’ w.e.f 01.01.2024.

Enhancement of Dearness relief(50% to 53%) to the Nagaland State Government pensioners’ and family pensioners’ w.e.f 01.07.2024.


Clarification on payment of Additional pension/FP w.e.f 01-12-08 DR from Jul 09 Drawal of arrears from 01-01-06
DR Jul 09 pre 2006 & Revision to judges DR Jan 2010 & 30% arrears DR Jan 2010 & pre-revised scales & Revision to Judl services in 2006
Revision of pension to Judicial services and DR July 2010 DR Jul 2010 pre revised DR Jul 2010 pre-revised scales retirees
Scheme for Payment of pension through Banks Revision of pension/Family pension gratuity commutation of pension of post 2006 pensioners/family pensioners DR 01.07.2011
DR (TI) 01.01.2010 for those who are in receipt of provisional pension in pre-revised scales of pay Revision of Pensionery benefits of post-2006 pensioners DR from 01.07.2011-58%
DR(TR) from 01.07.2011 12% Dearness Relief at 65% from 01.01.2012 Domestic Help Allowance & Medical Allowance to Judical Officers
DR 12% to pensioners of pre-revised scales Revision of pensionery benefits to pre-2006 pensioners DR at 72% from 01.07.2012
DR 80% from 01.01.2013 Revision of pension of post-2006 pensioners DR 90% from 01.07.2013
Dearness relief at 100% from 01.01.2014 DR 107% from 01-07-2014 Revision of Judicial Pensioners amendment
DR 113% TO Odisha Pensioners / Family Pensioners from 01-01-2015 Civil Services (Pension) Amendment Rules 2015. Odisha Civil Services (Commutation Pension ) Rules 2015.
DR @ 119% from 1-07-2015 to odisha Pensioners / Family Pensioners DR@125% to Pensioners / Family Pensioners from 01.01.2016 Dearness relief (TI) @7% on pension/family pension w.e.f. 01.07.2016 in favour of the State Governemnt pensioners/ Family pensioners from 125% to 132%
Additional pension in respect of retired employees who have been provided with provision pension -Clarification Enhancement of Second World War Veterans Pension in favour of the WW-II veterans and thier widows belonging the state of Odisha. Govt of Odisha Home Dept Memo No.27386/Home-Polt-ESMW-0004-2017 dated 19.7.2017 Implementation of Govt's decision on recommendations of 7th CPC Revision of Pension of Pre-2016 Pensioners of AIS cadre
Revision of Pension/Family Pension of Pre-2016 and Post 2016 Pensioners/Family Pensioners Implementation of Govt. Decision on the receommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission - Revision of provision regulating Pension/gratuity/commutation of pension/family pension/disability pension/Ex-gratia lump-sum compensation etc., Changes have been made in Odisha Finance Dept. Office Memorandum No. 28300/F dated 23.9.2017
Proceedings of the meeting on revision of pension as per the recommendation of 7th Pay Commission (FDO M.No. 28300/F dated 23.9.2017) with pension disbursing Authorities Grant of Dearness relief (TI) on Pension with effect from 1.1.2016 in favour of the State Govt. Pensioners/Family Pensioners Changes shall be added to para 4.16 of Fin.Dept OM No: 28300/F dated 23.09.2017
Revision of Provisional pension sanctioned under rule - 66 of the OCS(Pension) Rules 1992 in case of Pre-2016 Pen. Grant of DR to Odisha Pensioners @ 1% from 01.07.2017 Procedure for submission of online/offline application for revision of Pension in IFMS Odisha
Sanction of DR (TI) @ 2% enhancing the existing rate from5% to 7% wef 01.01.2018 in favour of the state Government Pensioners/family pensioners Drawal of arrear arising out of revision of Pension/Family Pension in respect of Pre-2016 State Government Pensioners/Family pensioners w.e.f. 01.01.2016 Sanction od DR(TI) @ 2% enhancing the existing rate from 7% to 9% w.e.f. 01.07.2018 in favour of the state govt. pensioners/family pensioners.
Procedure for submission of offline application for revision of pension in respect of pensioners/family pensioners of the state of odisha, who are drawing pension/family pension in other states under SSA-reg. Sanction of DR(TI)@ 3% enhancing the existing rate from 9% to 12 % in favour of the state govt. pensioners/family pensioners Revised scales of Pay Rules - 2018 of (non-technical employees) Techinical Universities - Govt.of Odisha
Revision of Pension/Family Pension of Pre-2016 and Post 2016 Pensioners/Family Pensioners(govt. college teachers) under UGC scale of pay-reg. Revision of Pension/family pension in respect of the State Judicial Pensioners retired during the period from 01.01.1996 to 31.12.2005-Reg. Sanction of DR(TI)@4% enhancing the existing rate from 42% to 46% in favour of the state govt pensioners/FP w.e.f 01.07.2023.
Sanction of DR(46% to 50%)w.e.f 01.01.2024 in favour of the state govt pensioners/FP. Grant of DR @4%(46% to 50%) wef 01/01/2024. Grant of DR @4%(38% to 42%) wef 01/01/2023.
Grant of DR @4%(31% to 34%) wef 01/01/2023. Grant of DR @4%(34% to 38%) wef 01/07/2022. Grant of DR @4%(28% to 31%) wef 01/01/2023.
Sanction of DR@3% enhancing the existing rate from 50% to 53% wef 01.07.2024 in favour of the state pensioners/family pensioners. Govt of Odisha Findept OM No. Fin-CS3-PEN-OOO2/2020/29351/F dt 22.10.2024.





Arrears DR Jan 10 Deaness Relief from 01.01.2011
Disbursement of cash incentive to freedom fighters DR from 01.07.2011 Dearness Relief at 65%f from 01.01.2012
Cash incentive to freedom fighters DR 72% from 01.07.2012 Commutation by retired Judicial Officers
DR at 151% from 01.07.2012 Cash incentive to Freedom Fighters DR 90% from 01.07.2013
Dearness relief at 100% from 01.01.2014 DR 107% from 01.07.2014 Cash incentive to freedom fighters in lieu of clothes / gift coupons
One time disbursement of honorarium to puducherry freedom fighters 2014 Freedom Fighter pension enhancement from 5000 to 7000 01-12-2014 Fixed Medical allowance to pensioners/family pensioners from 19-11-2014
DR 113% from 01.01.2015 DR 113% to Puduchery Pensioners and Family Pensioners from 01.01.2015 DR @ 119% to Puduchery Pensioners and Family Pensioners from 01.07.2015
Freedom Fighter State and Central Pension 3500/- to 7000/- from 01-01-2014. DR 125% to Puduchery Govt Pensioners / Family Pensioners from 01.01.2016 Cash Incentive for Freedom Fighters for the Month of October,2016.
Grant of Dearness relief to Pensioners and Family Pensioners of Union Territory of Puducherry - Revised rates effective from 01-07-2016 - 2%. Grant of DR to pensioners/family pensioners of Puducherry from 01.07.2016 Enhancement of Puducherry state freedom fighters to Rs. 8000/- from 01.04.2017
Grant of DR to Pensioners /family pensioners from 01.01.2017 Introduction of Scheme namely "Contributory Medical Benefit Scheme" For the Retired Government Employees and their Spouses and the Family Pensioners of the Government of Puducherry in the union Territory of Puducherry - Willingness called for-Extension for last date for submission of application - Reg. Release of Arrears of DR to Pensioners  
Grant of DR to Pensioners from 1.1.2018 FFP-Distribution of cash incentive in lieu of clothes/gift coupon to honour the freedom fighters on account of independence day, gandhi jayanti day and de jure transfer day celebration-paymnet-authorised. Grant of Dearness relief to Pensioners and Family Pensioners of Union Territory of Puducherry - Revised rates effective from 01-07-2018 at 9%.
Grant of Fixed medical allowance to Pensioners and Family Pensioners of Union Territory of Puducherry - Revised rates effective from 01-12-2018 at 9%. DT-TOP contributory medical benefit schemes for the retired govt. employees and their spouses and the family pensioners of govt. of Puducherry-enrolment ofpensioners who retired after April 2018-called for-reg. Introduction of contributory medical benefit scheme-payment of deposit-account details-regarding
Grant of DR 12% to pensioners/family pensioners of union territory of Puducherry-revised rates effective from 01.01.2019 Contributory Medical Benefit scheme for pensioners-discrepancies-surrender of identity card procedure Contributory Medical Benefit scheme for family of the govt. Puducherry in the union territory- recovery of premium for the second year (3rd and 4th installment) amount of premium to be deducted from the pension payable in April 2019- enrollment of pensioners-reg.
DAT-TOP-"Contributory Medical Benefit Scheme" for the retired govt. employees and their spouse and the family pensioners of the govt. of Puducherry-Enrollment of retired pensioners-extension of deadline up to 30-06-2019. Release of arrears DR dues to pensioners and family pensioners of union territory of Puducherry for the period from 01/01/2019 to 01/02/2019. DAT-TOP-"Contributory Medical Benefit Scheme" for the retired govt. employees and their spouse and the family pensioners of the govt. of Puducherry in the union territory of Puducherry-Enrollment of retired pensioners-extension of deadline up to 20th of August 2019 intimation-Reg.
Grand of Dearness Relief to Pensioners and family Pensioners of Union Territory of Puducherry - Revised rates effective from 01.07.2019 @ 17% - reg. Grant of Dearness Relief to Pensioners and family Pensioners of Union Territory of Puducherry - Revised rates effective from 01.07.2023 - reg. Enhancement of Puducherry Freedom Fighters/Family pension from Rs. 10,000/- p.m to Rs. 12,000/- p.m to the state freedom fighters in UT of Puducherry - Authorisation - Issued w.e.f 01.11.2023 - Reg.
FD-Payment of arrears on revision of pension to pre-2016 pensioners/Family pensioners consequent on the implementation of 7th CPC recommendattions- Orders. Grant of DR (46% to 50%) to pensioners and family pensioners of Union Territory of Puducherry - Revised rates w.e.f 01.01.2024. Disbursement of Cash Incentive to honour the Freedom Fighters/Dependents in lieu of Clothes/Gift Coupon on account of Independence day, Gandhi Jayanthi and De jure Transfer Day along with the pension for the month of October 2024-Reg.
Government of Puducherry - Freedom Fighter Pensioners – Disbursement of Cash Incentive to honour the Freedom Fighters/Dependents in lieu of Clothes/Gift Coupon on account of Independence Day, Gandhi Jayanthi Day and De Jure Tranfer Day along with the pension for the month of October 2024- Payment Authorised. Grant of Dearness Relief to Pensioners/Family Pensioners of Unioin Territory of Puducherry- Revised rates (50% to 53%) effective from 01.07.2024-Reg.


Govt orders relating to V PC and DR from Jul 09 Medical allowance DR Jul 09
DR Jul 09 old scale & pay comm pre2006 retirees Revision of extrordinary pension pre2006retirees Implementation of 5th pay commission Payment of arrears of Pension
5th Pay Commission--Payment of arrears 5th Pay Commissin-Clarification regarding grant of Family Pension DR 01.01.2011 on Pre-revised scales
.DR 01.01.2011 DR to pensioner recruited on compassionate grounds DR@58% from 01.07.2011
DR to pensioners appointed on compassionate grounds Old age allowance from 01.12.2011 Grant of old age allowance
Travel Concession to family pensioners DR 65% from 01.01.2012 Clarification -Old age pensions & travelling concession
Payment of arrears as per 5th CPC DR 72% from 01.07.2012 Payment of 3rd instalment of 5th CPC arrears
Revision of Commuted portion of pension 20% DR 80% from 01.01.2013 DR 166% from 01.01.2013
Payment of Pen pre revised 01-01-2006 pensioners Judicial Officers Proof of date of birth for payment of old age allowance DR at 90% from 01.07.2013
Old age allowance - requirement of age proof documents DR @ 200% from 01.01.2014 DR 100% From 01-01-2014 to Pensioners / family pensioners
Grant of instalment of DR to pensioners from 01.07.2014 @7% DR 212% to Punjab Pensioners / Family pensioners in Pre revised scales from 01.07.2014. DR 113% to Punjab Pensioners / Family Pensioners from 01.01.2015
Arrears of DA/DR from 01.07.2014 to 28.02.2015 @7% and 10% from 01.01.2014 to 03.09.2014 to Employees and Pensioners Non Grant of Medical Allowance and Dearness Allowance to the Pensioners / Family Pensioners Permannent settled in foreign country of Punjab Government- Reg.
Payment of Dearness Allowance / Dearness Relief to the State Government employees/ pensioners /family pensioners of Punjab @125% from 01.11.2016 payable from 01.11.2016 Payment of Dearness Allowance / Dearness Relief to the Punjab State Government employees and Pensioners w.e.f 01-01-2017 7% Grant of Interim Relief to the employees/pensioners of the Govt. Punjab @ 5% From 01.01.2017
Release of interest on arrears of DR from 01.07.2014 to 28.02.2015 and 01.01.2014 to 30.09.2014 to Punjab Pensioners and family pensioners above 80 years of age Implementation of Judgement dated 30.09.2016 in CWP No. 2866 of 2014 titled as Karanvir Singh & ors. Vs.State of Punjab & ors and judgement dated 22.10.2013 in CWP No. 25733 of 2012-AP Sharma and other VS state of Punjab and others Clarification - reg. Release of 6% DR to the pensioners of govt. of Punjab wef 01.02.2019.
Release of 7% instalment of DR to the pensioners of govt. of Punjab payable with the pension of 01.02.2019. Upward of consolidation of pension by 3.07 times as per Suprement court Orders Revision of rates of Intra Ocular Lens for Govt Officers/Officials, Pensioners of Punjab Govt.
1.Grant of DA from 113% to 119% w.e.f 01/7/15 to 31/12/15 2.One time option to Govt Pension who have retired between 01.01.16 to 30.06.21 to deposit the revised amount of Commuted Pension in the Govt. Treasury-reg. Revision of rates of Intra Ocular Lens for Govt Officers/Officials, Pensioners of Punjab Govt. 1.Grant of DA from 113% to 119% w.e.f 01/7/15 to 31/12/15 2.One time option to Govt Pension who have retired between 01.01.16 to 30.06.21 to deposit the revised amount of Commuted Pension in the Govt. Treasury-reg.
1.Grant of DR to the pensioners/FP of Govt of Punjab from 34% to 38% w.e.f 01.12.2023. 1.Payment of DR Arrear @6%(113% to 119%) w.e.f 01.07.2015 to 31.12.2015 to the pensioners of state of punjab. Grant of DR @4%(34% to 38%) wef 01/12/2023.
Arrears of DR w.e.f 01/07/2015 to 31/12/2015 @ 6%(113% to 119%) to Pensioners of Punjab Issue of stay order on recovery of Commuted Value of Pension-Reg. Issue of stay order on recovery of Commuted Value of Pension.
1. Clarification regarding Pension and other retirement benefits to employees who have retired on or after 01.01.2016. 2. Regarding one time option to the Government pensioners who have retired between 01.01.2016 to 30.06.2021 to deposit the revised commuted value of pension in the Government treasury. Implementation of Judgement in CWP No.643 of 2015- All India Judges association Vs Union of India and Ors. Enhancement of the monetary allowances for the recipients of president's police medalfor Gallantry police medal for Gallantry and PM's police medal for life saving.
Implementation of Judgement in CWP No.643 of 2015- All India Judges vs.Union of India- Commutation of pension Grant of DR to the Pensioners/Family pensioners of Govt of Punjab from 38% to 42% w.e.f 01.11.2024.





DR from Jul 09 DR Jan 2010, Revision of pension to Judicial staff, Implementation of PRC 2009 to college teachers Addl Pension, Revision of Freedom Fighters pension
Judicial officers revision Revision of pension to Judicial officers Retirement benefits in respect of Judicial Officers-Domestic Help Allowance
Enhancement of Freedom Fighters pension and their medical allowance DR Jan 2011 Political Polytechnic University employees - Minimum pension-Reg
DR from 01.07.2011-58% Dearness Relief at 65% from 01.01.2012
Enhancement of Freedom Fighter Pension and Medical Allowance Additional Quantum of Pension DR 72% from 01.07.2012
Enhancement of Freedom Fighter pension and medical allowance DR 80 % From 01.01.2013 Further revision of pre-2006 pensions
Enhancement of minimum pension to Rs.3450 Amendment to scheme for pension payment through Banks DR90% from 01.07.2013
DR 200% FROM 01-01-2014 DR 107% to Rajasthan pensioners / family pensioners Clarification regarding age till which EFP is payable to Rajasthan pensioners and Family pensioners
Revision of Pre 01-09-2006 Rajasthan Pensioners above 80 years and more and scheme of Medical concession to pensioners. Grant of DR@113% to Rajasthan pensioner/Family pensioners from 01.01.2015 Grant of DR @ 212% from 01.07.2014 pensioners /family pensioners drawing pension pre revised scale of pay
Amendments in Rajasthan Civil Services (Pension) Rules 1996. Minimum Pension raised for Rajasthan Pensioners to Rs3450/- DR @ 119% from 1-07-2015 to Rajasthan Pensioners / Family Pensioners
Dearness relief of 245% from 01.01.2016 Dearness relief of 223% from 01.01.2015 Dearness relief of 234% from 01.07.2015
Dearness relief of 125% from 01.01.2016 Payment of Pensions through Banks/application for family pension. Rajasthan Civil Services (Pension)(Second Amendment) Rules,2016 Amendment to Rule 66
Implementation of Govt's Decision on 7th CPC Revision of Pensions of pre-2016 pensioners / family pensioners of Rajasthan Cadre Grant of DR to pensioners/family pensioners of rajasthan from 01.07.2016 Grant of DR to Judicial services Officers @136% wef 01.07.2016
DR @ 136% from 01.01.2017 Grant of DR @ 257% to Pensioners/Family Pensioners who are in respect of Provisional Pension in 5th CPC Pre revised scales from 01.07.2016 Revision of Pension of Pre- 01.10.2017 State Pensioners/Family Pensioners etc.,
Grant of Dearness Relief to State Govt. Pensioners @ 139% from 01.07.2017 Grant of Dearness Relief to State Govt Pensioner @ 268% w.e.f 01.07.2017 Modification - Revision of Pension of Pre-01.10.2017 State Pensioners/family Pensioners etc
Revision of Pension of pre-01.01.2016 state Pensioners/family Pensioners of Rajasthan Amendments in the Rajasthan Civil Services(Pension) Rules, 1996 Revision of pension of pre - 01.01.2016 state pensioners/family pensioners procedure
Grant of DR to the State Government Pensioners drawing revised pension @ 4% from 01.01.2017 and @ 5% from 01.07.2017 Revision of Pension of Pensioners/Family Pensioner expired on or after 31/12/2015 Enhancement of Dearness Relief
Entry in payment procedure and legacy data authorisation of GPO & CPO ,PPO,FPPO issued under 7th Pay Commission - Regd Grant of DR to the state govt. pensioners/family pensioners @9% from 01.07.2018 Interim relief on pension to retired officers of rajasthan judicial service and family pensioners.
Rajasthan civil services (Pension)(Amendment)Rules,2018. Rajasthan civil services (Pension) Rules,1996 Fixation of notional pay in new pay matrix for retired state pensioners/family pensioners & deceased pensioners who retired prior to 01.01.2006 and consequent pay revision-Reg.
Revision of pension medical allowance to MEESA/DIR/CRPC pensioners Family pension/invalid pension to the employees appointed on or after 01.01.2004 and died while in service/invalidated-reg. Grant of DR to state govt. pensioners @ 12% from 01.01.2019.
DR @ 295% to pensioners drawing in 5th pay commission and @ 154% to pensioners drawing in 6th pay commission from 01.01.2019. AQ @ 10% to pensioners/family pensionerson attaining 75 years Additional Allowance @10% of basic pension/family pension to the pensioners/family pensioners on attaining the age of 75 - 80 years dated 25.07.2023 - Reg.
Grant of DR to State govt pensioners/FP w.e.f 01.07.2023 (42% to 46%). Revision of pension/family pension of retired judicial offiucers(RHJS) of Rjasthan High court receiving pension/family pension from other states. Regarding payment of arrears, payment of additional pension, payment of domestic assistance allowance and medical allowance in revised cases of Pre.2016 of retired judicial officers.
DA payable to pensioners/family pensioners of Rajasthan state, date in relief regarding sending the order of increase from 50% to 53% from 01.07.2024 and order dated 20.09.2024 for additional 05% pension allowance at the age 70 to 75 years for payment to the pensioners receiving pension in other states.




Tamil Nadu

DR Jul 2009 Pongal prize 2009 Payment of arrears of pension
DR Jan 10/2nd Instt PCA/ Health Fund  Revision Healthfund
DR July 2010 Pongal prize 2011 DR Jan 2011
DA from 01.07.2011-58% Pongal Prize Additional pension to those aged 80 years and above
DR @ 65 from 01.01.2012 Allowances to Judicial Officers, subscription to the Pensioners' Health Fund DR at 72% from 01.07.2012
Pongal Prize for the year 2013 DR 80% from 01.01.2013 Financial Assistance Rs. 50000/- under FSF Scheme
DR 90% from 01.07.2013 Festival Advance to Tamil Nadu pensioners Enhancement Pongal prize for the year 2014
DR 100% from 01.01.2014 New health Scheme2014 to Tamil Nadu Pensioners/Family/ Pensioners. DR 107% to Tamil Nadu Pensioners / family pensioners from 01.07.2014
Grant of Pongal Festival 2015 Pongal Prize amount to pensioners of Tamil Nadu @500/- for 2015

Grant of DR @113% to Tamil Nadu Pensioners from 01.01.2015.


Submission of Certificates by pensioners with additional information to update data in e portal in revised format
New Health Insurance Scheme Medical Aid2014 Ammendment to GO 171 of TN DR @ 119% from 1.7.2015 to TN Pensioners / Family Pensioners.
Revision of pension of retirees between 1998-1995 Dearness relief of 125% from 01.01.2016 Recovery of Subscription towards National Health Insurance scheme 2014
DR to pensioners/family pensioners at revised rates from 01.07.2016 Grant of Pongal Prize to the Pensioners/family pensioners Dearness allowances to the pensioners and family pensioners revised rate admissible from 01.07.2017
DR to Pensioners/Family Pensioners of Tamil nadu @ 136% from 01.07.2016 Official Committee, 2017 Recommendataions Revision of Pension/Family Pension and retirement benefits DR from 01.01.2017 and 01.07.2017 to Tamil Nadu Pensioners/Family Pensioners
DR Pre 2006 scales of Pay from 01.07.2016- 01.01.2017 to Tamil Nadu Pensioners/Family Pensioners. Official Committee,2017 Recommendations - Revision of Pension/Family Pension and Retirement Benefits Grant of Pongal Prize to 'C' and 'D' Group Pensioner/All Family Pensioners - Orders - issued.
Dearness Allowance to the Pensioners and Family Pensioners Revised rate admissible from 01.01.2018 Pension-Tamil Nadu govt.-medical aid new health scheme 2018 for pensioners/ family pensioners- subscriptions to the scheme in respect of pensioners/family pensioners drawing pension outside state-reg. Grant of DR admissible from 01.07.2018 @ 9% to pensioners/family pensioners of Tamilnadu govt.
Qualifying service for pensione-reduction in maximum qualifying service for null pension-implementation of orders of the supreme court of India, dated 07.07.2014 in civil appeal no. 6116 of 2014. Revision of pay scales & allowances to the teachers and equivalent cadres in universities/ govt. aided colleges governed by UGC recommendation of pau review committee. Grant of Pongal Prize 2019 to "C"and "D" group pensioners/all family pensioners.
Dearness Allowance to the Pensioners and Family Pensioners Revised rate admissible from 01.07.2018 @ 9% and @ 12% from 01.01.2019 Health Insurance scheme 2022 to Tamil nadu Pensioners /Family Pensioners Grant of Dearness Relief to pensioners and family pensioners- Revised rate admissible from 01.07.2023- Orders forwarded(42% to 46%)
Grant of adhoc increase for employees drawing Consolidated pay/fixed pay/Honorarium- Revised rate admissible from 01.07.2023 - Orders - forwarded Enhanced DR @ 46% wef 01/07/2023 to Tamil nadu pensioners /Family pensioners Grant of New Health Insurance Scheme 2021 & 2022 Dept G.O Ms 298 & 227 for the employees of govt Dept & Other Organisations in r/o pensioners/family pensioners of Tamilnadu Govt -Reg./a>
Grant of Pongal prize to C and D Group pensioners/ All Family pensioners - Orders-issued./a> Grant of Pongal prize to C and D Group pensioners/ All Family pensioners - Orders-issued./a> Grant of New Health Insurance Scheme 2022 in R/o Pensioners/Family Pensioners of TN Government./a>
Grant of DA (46% to 50%) Revised rate admissible from 01.01.2024 to Pensioners/Family Pensioners./a> DR@ 50% to TN Pensioners/Family Pensioners w.e.f 01/01/2024./a> Grant of Dearness allowance to pensioners and family pensioners from 50% to 53% w.e.f: 01/07/2024 - Reg./a>
Grant of Dearness allowance to pensioners and family pensioners from 230% to 239% w.e.f: 01/07/2024 who are drawing Pre-revised pension/family pension- Reg./a> Grant of Dearness allowance to pensioners and family pensioners - Revised rate (50% to 53%) admissible from 1st July 2024- Reg./a> Pre-2016 Pay scales for grant of DA to pensioners/Family Pensioners who are drawing Pre-revised pension and family Pension- Reg./a>



DR Judl central autonomous bodies Jan 2009 DR Jul 2009 DR Jan 2010
Judl DR Jan 08 to Jan 2010, DR Jan 2010 to pensioners/Family Pensioners DR Jul 2010 DR Jan 2011
DR from 01.07.2011 58% DR further installment of 3% from 01.01.2012 DR @ 65% from 01.01.2012
DR @ 35%from 01.07.2012 DR at 72% from 01.07.2012 Restoration of Commuted value of pension

DR 42% from 01.12.2012

Festival Advance of Rs. 700/- Amendment to Rule7 of State Civil services Rules 2009
DR 47% from 01.01.2013 Amendment to provision 2(i) of revision of pension of Judicial officers retiring prior to 01.01.2006. Fest ADV 700 for 2013
Dearness relief at 57% from 01.01.2014 DR 100% from 01.01.2014 DR 64%
DR 69% from 01.01.2015 to Tripura Pensioners Amendment of rule 54(a)(i) & (11)(a) and 54(11)(b) of central Civil Services(pension)Rules 1972 as adopted in Tripura DR 74% to Tripura Pensioners / Family Pensioners from 01.07.2015
Amendment of Rule 3 & 7 of Tripura Civil Services ( Revised Pension) Rules 2009 DR@79% from 01.01.2016 to Tripura Pensioners / Family Pensioners. DR@ 107% from 01.07.2014,113% from 01.01.2015,119% from 01.07.2015 and 125% from 01.01.2016 to MT Cadres of AIS and other Central Govt. Employees working on deputation under Govt. of Tripura , pensioners /family pensioners / State Judicial service officer.
Festival Grant of Rs.700 for the year 2016-17 Grant of DR @ 4% with effect from 01-07-2016 to the Tripura Government Pensioners / Family Pensioners Clarification of different points relating to revision of pension as per T.S.C.S(Revised Pension) rule.2009.
DR@88% to Tripura pensioners/family pensioners from 01.01.2017 CPC Revision of pension/Family Pensioners belongs to AIS officers. Grant of DR to Pensioners/Family Pensioners of Central Government Employees @2% from 01.07.2016
Grant of DR to pensioners and @ 132% to Tripura Governemnt Judicial Service Officers and Central Government Pensioners from 01.07.2016 in the prerevised pay scale Grant of DR to Central Government Pensioner/Family Pensioners from 01.07.2016 Revision of Pension/Family Pension of Pre 2006 All India Services Officers
Grant of DR 132% to the Employees of central Government Drawing pay in 6th CPC Forwarding of copy of Tripura State Civil Services Revised Pension) Rules 2017 Festival Grant for the Financial year 2017-18 Rs. 700/-
Revised rate of Medical allowances Rs. 500/- P.M. Wef 1.4.2017 Interim relief to judicial officers at 30% from 01.01.2016 Payment of festival grant for the financial year 2018-19 to the Tripura govt. pensioners/ family pensioners
Sanction of DR to Pensioners/ family pensioners of Tripura Govt. judicial service officer's at the revised rate @ w.e.f. 01.01.2017 onwards Tripura state civil services(revised pension)(first amendment) rules,2018. Modification to the existing provision under para 2 of Tripura civil services(Revision of pension of judicial officers) rules, 2010.
Rate of DR to pensioners/ family pensioners of Tripura govt. judicial services at the revised rate of 154% w.e.f. 01.01.2019. Payment of Festival Grant for the year 2019-20 to the Tripura Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners - Reg Revised rates of DA to the CGov Employees and Central Autonomous Bodies continuing to draw their pay in the pre-revised pay sacle /Grade pay as per 6th CPC from 01-01-2023-Reg
Revision of Festival Grant @ 1800/- to Pensioners/Family pensioners Revision of Pension of Retired Judicial Officers of Tripura Judicial service who retired / died prior to 01/01/2016 Addendum to orders reg.Revision of Pension of Retired Judicial Officers of Tripura Judicial service who retired on or after to 01/01/2016
Addendum to Law dept. Govt of Tripura re. Benefit of one increment to judicial officers retiring on or after 01.01.2016, DR and existing other allowances in connection with revision of pension of retired judicial officers of Tripura judicial srvice in compliance to the Order of Hon'ble supreme court of india dated 19.05.2023 in all india judges association Vs Union of India and Ors in WP 643 of 23015. Grant of Total Quantum of DR@20% W.E.F 01.12.2022 & @25% W.E.F 01.01.2024 over the basic pension/family pension to Tripura Govt Pensioners. 1. DR @12%(total 20%) of basic pension/basic family pension w.e.f 01/12/2022 2. DR @5%(total 25%) of basic pension/basic family pension w.e.f 01/01/2024 to pensioners/family pensioners of Tripura.
Grant of Dearness Relief at 50% of the basic pension/ family pension w.e.f. 01.01.2024 to retired judicial service officers/ family pensioners in terms of law department, government of Tripura memo no. F.1(1) – SECY/LAW/MISC/ 2019 ( part 1)/ 254-285 dated 14.08.2023. DR@50% to Retd. Judicial officers/ family pensioners wef 01/01/2024 Revision of allowances to Retd.Judicial officers/family pensioners w.e.f. 01/01/2016.
Revision of allowances of retired Judicial Officers/family Pensioners of the Tripura Judicial Service w.e.f. 01.01.2016, in compliance of the order of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India dated 04.01.2024 in WP(C) No.643 of 2015 (All India Judges association Vs Union of India $ Ors.) Festival Grant for Pensioners/ Family Pensioners in respect of the Tripura Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners. Grant of total quantum of Dearness Relief @30% w.e.f. 01.11.2024 over the basic pension/basic family pension to the Tripura Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners.

Uttar Pradesh

Joint Account Pre 2006 AIS 6 PC 6 PC AIS
DR Jan 09 DR Jul 09 DR Jul 09 AIS
Revision of pension to pre 2006 retirees DR AIS clarification 6th cpc Payment of 3rd installment of arrears of 6 PC & DR to Freedom fighters
DR at 45 percent from 01.07.2010 Revision of pension to those who retired before 01.01.2006 Medical &Domestic Servant Allowances to Judicial officers
DR 51 % from 01.01.2011 Orders regarding CPS: Class IV employees pension: DR in pre-revised scale; GGS Sports College, Lucknow DR to pensioners from 01.07.2011 and to freedom fighter pensioners
Orders relating to DR 51% & 65% Orders relating to DR 65% DR at 72% from 01.07.2012
Revision of pension of those retiring before 01.01.2006 DR 80% from 01.01.2013 DR 80% from 01.01.2013
DR 90% from 01.07.2013 DR Central Govt. Employees CPF beneficiaries and ex-grat from 01-07-13 DR 100% from 01.01.2014
DR 100% from 01.01.2014 DR 107% to Uttar Pradesh Pensioners / Family Pensioners from 01.07.2014 DR 113% to Uttar Pradesh Pensioners / Family Pensioners from 01.01.2015
DR 113% to UP Pensioners drawing GIA Scales from 01.01.2015. DR@119% to Pensioners/ Family Pensioners from 01.07.2015. DR @ 125% pensioners/family pensioners from 01.01.2016
Superannuation @33years for pre 01-01-2006 retirees Implementation of digital life certificate for Uttarpradesh Government pensioners Payment of minimum pension to Uttar pradesh Government pensioners
Implementation of Government decisions of 7th CPC revision of pension/family pension Implementation of Government Decision of 7th CPC revision of pension/family pension Implementation Govt decision on7th CPC revision of Pension - reg.
7th CPC revision Amendment Uttar Pradesh State Legislative council Availability of members and (Pension) (26th order) Rules 2017 Gazette Grant of DR to State Govt. Civil/Family Pensioners
Acceptance of Revised Pay matrix in VII CPC Payment of arrears due to acceptance of Revised Pay Matrix 01.01.2016 acceptance of Revision of pay Scales - Pay Matrix - Payment of Arrears
Grant of DR to State Govt Civil/family pensioners from 01.07.2017 CPC Revision of pension/family pension of Pre 2016 retireesUP500509-B DR @ 2 % from 01.01.2017 to the pensioners/family pensioners of UP
Revision of pension of civil pensioners/family pensioners of state govt. payment of arrear of pay and DR from 01.01.2016 to 31.12.2016 reg. Grant of DR to state government's civil/family pensioners@ 7% w.e.f. 01.01.2018. Grant of DR to state government's civil/family pensioners@ 9% w.e.f. 01.07.2018.
Pay fixation in revised pay matrix-reg.. Grant of DR to state government's civil/family pensioners from 42% to 46% w.e.f 01.07.2023-Reg. SNJPC-Revissed Rtes of Pension wef 01/07/2023-Reg.
Grant of DR @ 50% (from 46%) to State Govt. Civil/Family Pensioners w.e.f. 01.01.2024 Grant of DR (existing rate of 46% to 50%) to Central Govt. Pensioners/Family Pensioners-Revised rate w.e.f 01.01.2024. Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government Pensioners/family Pensioners enhanced from 46% to 50% w.e.f 01/01/2024
Grant of Dearness Relief @ 4% to UP Government Pensioners/Family pensioners enhanced from 46% to 50% w.e.f 01/01/2024 Additional increment to UP govt pensioners retired on 30 June/ 31 December. Regarding adding a notional increment for calculation of pension of UP State Government employees retiring on 30 June/31 December, when the increment is fixed on the next day of the retirement date (30 June/31 December) i.e. 01 July/01 January.
Regarding grant of Dearness Relief (50% to 53% w.e.f. 01.07.2024) to State Government civil family pensioners and all India service pensioners/family pensioners.


DR Jan 2010 Revised rates of DA to Political pensioners from 01.01.2006 DR on Freedom Fighter Pension from 01.03.2011
Judicial officers pay commission recommendations Judicial officers retirement benefits DR from 01.01.2011 51%
Implementation of Family Pension Scheme Revised DR from 01.07.2011 Dearness relief at 58% from 01.07.2011
Regarding Medical Allowance and Domestic Help Allowance to Judical Officers Grant of DR @7% from 01.01.2012 DR at 72% from 01.07.2012
DR 139% from 01.01.2012 & 151% from 01.07.2012. Inclusion of widowed daughter in family from 01.01.2006 DR 80% from 01-07-2013
Grant of DR to pre-revised pensioners Dearness relief at 100% from 01.01.2014 DR 107% from 01.07.2014 &DR 212% for pre-revised pensioners from 01.07.2014
DR 107% from 1.7.2014 and 212% to those who are drawing pension in unrevised scales DR 113% to pensioners of uttarakhand revised and unrevised pensioners 223% wef 01.01.2015 DR @ 119% from 1.7.2015 on revised Pension and 234% for Unrevised.
Implementation 7th CPC Recommendations in respect of Post 1.1.16 Pensioners 7th CPC - Recommendations - Pre 01.01.2016 State Govt. Pensioner/Family Pensioners - Revn.of Pension Implementation of 7th CPC recommendations - Post 01.01.2016 retirees
Implementation of 7th CPC recommendations -- Pre 01.01.2016 retirees 7th CPC Implementation recommendations 7th CPC Implementation recommendations-Corrigendum
DR@4% from 01.01.2017 to Uttarakhand pensioners/Family Pensioners DR@2% from 01.07.2016 to Uttarakhand pensioners/Family Pensioners Payment of arrears of 7th pay commission from 01.01.2016 to 31.12.2016
Dearness relief to state government pensioners at 5% from 01.07.2017 and 7% from 01.01.2018 Payment of last installment of arrears on account of VII CPC to pensioners retired prior to 01.01.2016 Payment of remaining portion of arrears of pension revised under VIIth CPC.
Grant of DR at revised rate @ 9% w.e.f. 01.07.2018 to the peniosners whose pension is revised under 7th CPC. Grant of DR of such civil/family pensioners of the state govt. whose pension is revised according with the recommendation of the 7th pay commission @ 7% from 01.07.2018. Grant of DR of such civil/family pensioners of the state govt. whose pension is revised according with the recommendation of the 7th pay commission @ 9% from 01.01.2019.
Grant of DR (46% instead of 42% w.e.f. 01.07.2023) of such civil/family pensioners of the State Govt. whose pension is revised in accordance with the recommendation of the 7th Pay Commissions & Grant of DR (50% instead of 46% w.e.f. 01.01.2024) of such civil/family pensioners of the State Government whose pension is revised in accordance with the recommendation of the 7th Pay Commission. NJPC Orders to Judicial pensioners wef 1/1/2016. According to the recommendations of the Second National Judicial Pay Commission (relative to the 7th pay commission) dated 01.01.2016 regarding the admissibility of allowances and facilities to senior judicial officers of the state.    
DR@239% w.e.f 01/01/2024 to pensioners/family pensioners whose pension is not revised under 7th Pay Commission. 1. Approval of Dearness Relief to such civil/family pensions of the State government whose pensions have not been revised as per the recommendations of the Seventh Pay Commission. 2. Approval of Dearness Relief to such civil/family pensions of the State government whose pensions have not been revised as per the recommendations of the Sixth/Seventh Pay Commission. Admissible Pension Allowances in respect of Judicial Service Officers-reg.
Grant of 53% DR instead of 50% from 01.07.2024 to such state Govt pensioners, whose pension has been revised in line with the recommendations of the Seventh Pay Commission.




West Bengal

Ex-gratia raising income ceiling payment through joint ac Revision pre2006 aided Education DR Dec 2010 payment of 2nd instt to Bihar Grant of Ex-gratia payment to pensioners of non-govt colleges
Revision of Pension to Non-Govt College Teachers/Retd/Died in harness prior to 31/12/95 Recommendations of 5th pay commission in respect of teaching staff including Lab instructors/instructress, Librarians, Asst Librarians/Physial Instructors/ non Govt College Revision of pension to pre 1-1-06 pensioners of DA Getting School
Liberalization of terms of WB non-Government college teachers-Death-cum Retirement Benefits Scheme, 1978 & mode of payment thereof Modification of pay band in Annexure I to Fin Dept Memo No 460-F dt 20.5.09 DR for Judicial Officers from 01.01.2011
Payment of pensions through Banks DR to Bihar pensioners from 1.7.09;1.1.10;1.7.10 & 3rd installment of arrears from 1.4.07 Minimum rates of pension
Grant of ex-gratia payment DR to Bihar pensioners from 1.1.2011 DR to Bihar Govt Pensioners from 01.07.2011
Additional quantum of family pension DR @ 115% & 127% to Bihar State Govt. pensioners DR from 01.01.2012 45%
Ex-gratia to non Govt. colleges for the year 2011 Time limit for exercising option for enrolment under W B Health Scheme DR 103% from 01.01.2012
Domestic Help Allowance to judicial officers DR from 01.01.2011 &01.07.2011 to Bihar Pensioners DR to DA getting institutions from 01.12.2009;01.04.2010 & 01.12.2010
DR to Judicial Officers 58% from 01.07.2011 Revised pension/DR to ex-management staff of North Bengal Medical college DR @ 45% from 01.01.2012
Additional Quantum of pension of Family Pension DR to Bihar pensioners from 01.01.2012 @65% DR to Judicial Officers @ 65% from 01.01.2012
DR to North Bengal Medical College Staff @ 45% from 01.01.2012 Liberalisation-Payment of additional quantum of pension Interim Allowance / Compassionate Allowance - Entension of DR & MR
DR on pensions of non- Govt sponsored Aided Educational Institutions Interim Allowance / Compassionate Allowance - Extension of DR & MR - Corrigendum Grant of Ex-gratia as relief during festivals
Payment of relief on two Pensions DR to post 1.1.06 Pensioners of DA getting institutions Ex-gratia payment to pensioners of aided institutions
Enrolent of AIS pensioners under WBHS2008 Revision of pension to ex-management staff of Burdwan Medical College DR at 52% from 01.01.2013
DR at 72% from 01.07.2012 DR at 115% from 01.01.2013 Change of Sanctioning authority under WBHS2008
DR to pensioners of aided educational institutions from 1.4.10 to 31.11.10 Ex-gratia payment to pensioners of aided institutions for the year 2011 DR 72% from 01.01.2013 to pensioners of Non-Government colleges
DR 80% FROM 01.01.2013 JUDICIAL OFFICERS DR to aided sponsored institutions pensioners Ex-gratia to pensioners of non-govt colleges
Payment of lifetime arrears to pensioners of non
Govt. Institutions.
Payment of ex-gratia of Rs. 1000 to West Bengal Pensioners State Allowance to Freedom Fighters
DR 58% from 01-01-2014 DR 90% from 01-07-2013 to Judicial Officers DR 127% from 01-01-2013
Ex-Gratia payment for 2013 DR @ 90% from 01.07.2013 Extension of benefits to those drawing pension in AICTE scales prior to 01.01.2006
Dearness relief at 58% from 01.01.2014 to the staff of Burdwan medical college Pension revision - pre 1.1.06 polytechnic pensioners AICTE scales DR 100 % FROM 01.01.2014
Ex- Gratia for 2014 to West Bengal Pensioners Ex gratia 2014 to West Bengal Pensioners / family pensioners non govt colleges / day student homes / WB college Service omission. Ex-Gratia to Staff of North bengal medical college & Burdwan Medical College at 1500/- for the year 2014
DR@139% from 01.01.2015 to WB unrevised pension DR 107% from 01.07.2014 to pensioners of WB Judicial Officers DR 65% from 01.01.2015 to WB pensioners Teaching and non Teaching Staff.
DR 65% to teaching and non teaching staff of aided institutions, Burdwan Medical College and North Bengal Medical College. DR 65% to Pensioners & faimily pensioners of West Bengal Govt. 01.01.2015 DR 113% to central pensioners/and state judicial officers.
Exgratia of Rs.1700/- for 2015 to west bengal pensioners DA Getting Institutions 2006 DA Getting Institutions
DR 75% from 01.01.2016 to West Bengal Pensioners / Family Pensioners. DR 156% from 01.01.2016 to West Bengal Pensioners whose pension has not been revised. Ex-gratia for the year 2015 to the pensioners of Non-Govt, college, Day Students Home & WB College Service Commission.
DR 75% from 01.01.2016 to West Bengal Pensioners / Family Pensioners of Non Govt. Colleges. Dearness relief of 125% from 01.01.2016 to Judicial Officers Interim relief of 8% from 01.07.2016
Payment of Ex-gratia of Rs.1800/- for the year 2015 Extension of the last date of submission of Life Certificate for all categories of pensioners / family pensioners upto 15-01-2017. Grant of DR to those whose pension was not received in terms of memo no 700 F)Pen)and 201 F (Pen) dated 25.02.2009.
Grant of Dearness Relief to State Government Pensioners/ Family Pensioners with effect from 01/2017 Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners effective from 01/01/2016 subsequent to the implementation of 7th CPC from 01/01/2016-Nil and from 01/07/2016. 2% Grant of Dearness relief to Bihar Government pensioners/family pensioners w.e.f. 01.07.2016  
Grant of DR @ 85% to West Bengal pensioners/family pensioners from 01.01.2017 Grant of DR@173% to West Bengal pensioners/family pensioners from 01.01.2017 Grant of DR to the Retired Judicial Officers /Family Pensioners of the State of West Bengal - revised rate effective from 01.07.2016
Grant of DR to the pensioners of DA getting Institutions with effect from 01.01.2015 and 01.01.2016 who received pay as per ROPA "81/ROPA90/ROPA 98 Pay scale Dearness relief to Post 1.1.16 pensioners of DA getting institutions who received revised scale of pay as per ROPA 2009 Grant of dearness relief on pension/family pension to the pensioners / family pensioners of non-govt colleges w.e.f 1.1.17
Dearness relief to State Govt.pensioners/family pensioners whose pension/family pension has not been revised in terms of FD Memo No 200-F(Pen) and no 201 F (Pen) both dt 25.5.09 @ 173% w.e.f 1.1.17 Dearness relief to the Bihar Govt pensioners/family pensioners w.e.f 1.7.16 Ex -gratia payment to the pensioners /family pensioners of non-govt. colleges ,day students homes and WB college service Commission for 2016
Dearness Relief to State Government pensioners / family pensioners w.e.f 01.01.2017 Condonation of delay in preferring reimbursement of claim for indoor treatment and OPD treatment Grant of DR @ 4% to Central Governement Pensioner/Family Pensioners from 01.01.2017
Grant of exgratia payment to the State Government Pensioners for the year 2017-Govt of West Bengal Grant of DR 75% from 01.01.2016 and 85% from 01.01.2017 to West Bengal Pensioners of Teaching Non Teaching staff of Non Govt sponsored Aided Educational Institutions Grant of Ex-gratia payment to the Pensioners/family pensioners of Non-Govt colleges, Day Students, Home & West Bengal College service Commission for the year 2017.
Grant of Dearness Relief to state Govt. Pensioners/Family Pensioners from 01.01.2018 Grant of DR to Pensioners/Family Pensioners, Pen Not revised in terms of FD Memo No. 200-F(Pen) and 201-F(Pen dt. 25.02.2009 @ 199% from 01.01.2018 Non-admissibility of Interim Relief to Pensioners/Family Pensioners of retired College/University teachers governed under UGC/AICTE Pay Scale
Non-inclusion of Interim Relief within the meaning of Relief for the purpose of payment of EX-gratia grant Enhancement of minimum pension/family pension of all Principals of Government colleges, who retired prior to 01.01.2016 Grant of Dearness relief on pension/family pension to the pensioners/family pensioners of Non Govt.Colleges from 01.01.2015
Grant of DR to the Retired Judicial Officers/Family Pensioners of the State of West Bengal - revised rate effect from 01.07.2017 Grant of revised rate of DR to Central Govt. Pensioners/Family Pensioners etc effective from 01.07.2017 Re-enrolment under West Bengal Health for All Employees and Pensioners Cashless Medical Treatment Scheme, 2014 within 31st March 2018
Grant of DR to the Retired Judicial Officers/Family Pensioners of the State of West Bengal - revised rate effect from 01.07.2017 Shifting of liabilities of pensionary benefits from State Govt. to Central Govt. In respect of Divisional Accountant/Divisional Accounts Officer of Indian Audit and Accounts Department Grant of Dearness Relief to the Bihar Government pensioners/family pensioners w.e.f 01.07.2017
Grant of Medical Allowance to the Bihar Government pensioners/family pensioners w.e.f 20.10.2017 Extension of several benefits to pre 1.1.2006 pensioners/family pensioners Grant of revised rate DR to Central Govt. Pensioners/Family Pensioners - etc. effective from 01-01-2018
Enhancement of Minimun Pension/FP Grant of Revised Rates of Dearness Relief from 1.1.16,1.1.17 & 1.1.18 Extension of Several Benefits to Pre 1.1.2006 pensioners
Grant of DR to Bihar Government Pensioners form 1.1.2018 Dearness relief to the retired judicial officers at 142% from 01.01.2018 Interim relief on pension to the retired judicial officers of west bengal government from 01.01.2016
Grant of interim relief to all west bengal govt. pensioners/ family pensioners with effect from 01.07.2016 Grant of exgratia payment to the west bengal govt. pensioners/family pensioners/family pensioners for the year 2018 Grant of Ex-gratia payment to the west bengal govt Pensioners/family pensioners of Non-Govt colleges, Day Students, Home & West Bengal College service Commission for the year 2018.
Grant of DR to the Retired Judicial Officers/Family Pensioners of the State of West Bengal - revised rate effect from 01.07.2018(148%) Grant of DR @125% to West Bengal pensioners/family pensioners w.e.f. 01.01.2019 Grant of DR @242% w.e.f. 01.01.2019 to State Govt. pensioners/Family Pensioners drawing in un-revised pension/family pension.
Grant of DR to the Retired Judicial Officers/Family Pensioners of the State of West Bengal - revised rate effect from 01.01.2019(154%) . Grant of Ex- Gratia payment to the west bengal govt. penioners/Family Pensioners for the year 2019. Rs 2100/- in lump. Grant of Ex- Gratia payment to the west bengal govt. penioners/Family Pensioners of non=-govt. colleges, day students' home & West Bengal college service commission for the year 2019-reg.
Ex-Gratia grant for year 2019 to the pensioners/family pensioners of Ex-Management Staff of North Bengal Medical College and Burdwan Medical College Issuance of a Uniform Format of Certification in favour of Pensioners/Family Pensioners by the HOD/DDO at the time of superannuation/death in harness of the WestBengal Govt. Employees. Revision of Pension/FP and revised rates of DR to Judicial officers who retired/died prior to 01/01/2016
Grant of DR to Post -1/1/2006 pensioners of DA getting institutions Grant of DR @221% to the Government pensioners/family pensioners wef 01/01/2023 Grant of revised rate of DR @46% to the Central Government pensioners/family pensioners wef 01/07/2023
Grant of DR to the Retired Judicial Officers/Family Pensioners of the State of West Bengal - revised rate effect from 01.07.2023.-Reg. Grant of DR @ 230 % to the Retired Judicial Officers/Family Pensioners of pre-revised scale wef 01.07.2023.-Reg. Grant of DR to the west bengal Govt pensioners/FP @10% drawing pension at revised rate consequent on implementation of WBS(ROPA) 2019 and @ 151% to pensioners/FP drawing pension at pre-revised rate as per WBS(ROPA) 2009 both w.e.f 01.01.2024.
Grant of DR to the Retired judicial officers/FP of the state of West Bengal revised rate effective from 01.07.2023 on pre revised pension/FP(221% to 230%). Grant of DR to the Bihar Govt. pensioners/FP w.ef 01.07.2023. DR@46% of basic pension/family pension w.e.f 01/07/2023 to Pensioners/Family Pensioners of West Bengal.
DR @ 10% of Revised basic pension/Revised family pension w.e.f 01/01/2024 to Pensioners/Family Pensioners of West Bengal. Grant of DR@14% to West Bengal Govt Pensioners/ Family Pensioners drawing pension at revised rate consequent on implementation of WBS(ROPA), 2019 and 161% to the pensioners/family pensioners drawing pension at the pre-revised rate i.e. as per WBS(ROPA) 2009, both w.e.f 01.05.2024 Grant of revised rate of DR @ 50% to Central Govt. Pensioners / Family Pensioners etc. Effective from 01.01.2024
Grant of Ex-gratia Payment (Rs. 3200/-) to the West Bengal Govt Pensioners/Family Pensioners for the Year 2024 Grant of DR (enhanced from 46% to 50%) to the Retired Judicial Officers/ Family Pensioners of the State of West Bengal-Revised rate w.e.f 01/01/2024 Grant of DR (151%) on Pension/Family Pension to the Pensioners/Family Pensioners (Teaching & Non-Teaching) of State Aided Non Govt. Colleges w.e.f. 01.01.2024.
Grant of Dearness Relied @ 50% to the Retired Judicial Officers/Family Pensioners of West Bengal w.e.f 01/01/2024 Grant of Dearness Relief on Pension/Family Pension to Pensioners/Family Pensioners (Teaching & Non-Teaching) of state of Aided Non Govt. Colleges w.e.f 01/01/2024 Grant of Ex-gratia payment to the pensioners/family pensioners of Non-govt colleges for the year 2023-24.
Grant of DR @ 14% & @ 161% to Pension/ Family Pension to the Pensioners/ Family Pensioners (Teaching & Non-Teaching) of State Aided Non Govt. Collegs w.e.f. 01.05.2024. Grant of DR on Pension/ Family Pension to the Pensioners/ Family Pensioners of the Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff of Non-Govt. Sponsored/ Aided Educational Institutions, etc. Under Govt. of West Bengal w.e.f.01.03.2023, 01.01.2024 and 01.05.2024. Grant of ex-gratia payment Rs.3200/- to the pensioners/family pensioners of Non-Govt Colleges for the year 2023-24
Grant of DR on pension/family pension to the pensioners/family pensioners(teaching & non-teaching) of State Aided non Govt Colleges w.e.f 01.05.2024 and Grant of Dearness Relief on pension to the pensioners/family pensioners of the teaching and non teaching staff of Non-Govt. Sponsored/ Aided Educational institutions wef 01.03.2023, 01.01.2024, 01.05.2024 Grant of DR (@ 133%, 141%, 151%, 161%) on Pension to the Pensioners/Family Pensioners of the Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff of Non-Govt. Sponsored/Aided Educational Institutions, etc under Govt. of West Bengal w.e.f. 01.01.2021, 01.03.2023, 01.01.2024 & 01.04.2024 respectively Grant of Dearness Relief to the pensioners/ family pensioners of West Bengal Government at 14% drawing pension at revised rate and consequent on implementation of WBS (ROPA),2019 and at 161% to the pensioners/family pensioners drawing pension at the pre-revised rate i.e as per WBS (ROPA),2009, both w.e.f. 01.04.2024 instead of 01.05.2024.
Grant of DR @133%, 141%, 151% and 161% wef 1/1/2021, 1/3/2023, 1/1/2024 and 1/4/2024 to the WB pensioners/ family pensioners of teaching & non- teaching staff of Non Govt Sponsored/ Aided Educational institutions Grant of DR @ 14% to the WB pensioners/family pensioners consequent on implementation of WBS(ROPA)2019 and 161% to pensioners drawing pension in pre revised scale of WBS(ROPA)2009 wef 01/04/2024 instead of 01/05/2024 1. Grant of DR @14% to the pensioners of teaching & non teaching staff of WB Aided educational institutions w.e.f 01/04/2024 instead of 01/05/2024 2. Discontinuation of IR wef 01/01/2019 3. DR @14% and @161% to teaching/ non teaching pensioners of State Aided Non Govt. colleges wef 01/04/2024 instead of 01/02/2024
Grant of DR (161%) on pension/family pension to Pensioners/ Family Pensioners(teaching & non-teaching) of State Aided Non govt. colleges w.e.f. 01.04.2024 instead of 01.05.2024. Discontinuation of Interim Relief w.e.f. 01.01.2019. Amendment of date of effect of DR on pension/family pension to the Pensioners/Family Pensioners of the Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff of Non-Govt. Sponsored/Aided Educational Institutions, etc. under Govt. of West Bengal.
Ex-Gratia grant for the year 2023-24 to the pensioners/family pensioners of Ex-management staff of N orth Bengal Medical college & Burdwan Medical college. Grant of DR to the Retired Judicial Officers/family pensioners of the state of West Bengal revised rate (230% to 239%) effective from 01.01.2024 on pre revised pension/family pension. 1. Grant of DR @239% to the Retd. Judicial Officers/ family pensioners wef 01/01/2024 2. Ex-gratia grant for the year 2023-24 to the pensioners/family pensioners of Ex-Management Staff of North Bengal Medical College & Burdwan Medical College.
Grant of ex-gratia payment for the year 2023-2024 payable to the pensioners/family pensioners of the teaching and non teaching employees of Non-Govt. Educational Institution governed by DCRB’ 81 scheme. Clarification on revision of Pension/Family Pension and extension of revised rates of Dearness Relief and other benefits in respect of Judicial Officers of the Government of West Bengal. 1.Grant of DR @53% to the Retd.Judicial Officers/family pensioners wef 01/07/2024
1.Grant of DR @53% to the Retd.Judicial Officers/family pensioners of State of West Bengal-revised rate effective from 01/07/2024. Grant of revised rate of Dearness Relief @53% to the Central Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners etc. effective from 01.07.2024.