The vision of Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) India represents what we aspire to become:
We strive to be a global leader and initiator of national and
international best practices in public sector auditing and
accounting and recognised for independent, credible, balanced
and timely reporting on public finance and governance.

Our mission enunciates our current role and describes what we are doing today: Mandated by the Constitution of India, we promote accountability, transparency and good governance through high quality auditing and accounting and provide independent assurance to our stakeholders, the Legislature, the Executive and the Public, that public funds are being used efficiently and for the intended purposes.

Our core values are the guiding beacons for all that we do and give us the benchmarks for assessing our performance
• Independence • Objectivity • Integrity • Reliability
• Professional Excellence • Transparency
• Positive Approach
• Independence • Objectivity • Integrity • Reliability
• Professional Excellence • Transparency
• Positive Approach
The Comptroller and Auditor General of India is the head of SAI India. He is appointed by the President of India under Article 148 of the Constitution of India. He performs his duties through offices located in India and abroad. In Andhra Pradesh, the CAG is represented by the following offices headed by senior officers belonging to the Indian Audit and Accounts Service (IA&AS):

Life certificate for Central Govt. Pensioners.
Applications are invited for the post of Welfare Officer in O/o PAG(Audit) Telangana
Central pension Accounting Office (CPAO) Website
List of selected/waitlisted candidates for appointment under sports quota to Group'C' posts
AP re-organisation - Press Note