List of Major Heads Minor Heads not to be operated by DTO’s
a) Hitherto, MH 1603 – State’s share of Union Excise Duties was meant for receipt of State’s share or Central Taxes from Central Government through RBI, Nagpur. Now Minor Head 901- Share of net proceeds assigned to States is used to accommodate such receipts under various Receipt Major Heads. Receipt Major Heads which are having a single minor head ‘901’ should not be operated in the DTO/PW/Forest Accounts as the adjustment is done only by Principal Accountant General’s Office. List of such Major heads are given below
0020 Corporation Tax to be adjusted by AG 0021 Tax on Income other than Corporation tax 0024 Interest Tax 0028 Other taxes on Income & Expenditure – MH 901 0031 Estate Duty 0032 Taxes on Wealth 0033 Gift Tax 0037 Customs 0038 Union Excise Duties share of proceeds to be adjusted by AG 0044 Service Tax 0045 Other Taxes & Duties on Commodities and Services
b) Following Major Heads/Minor Heads are meant exclusively for Principal Accountant General’s as the adjustments/annual adjustments are done by this office.
0049-110 Interest realised on investment of Cash balances 1601 Grants-in-Aid from Central Government 1605 External Grants Assistance 2049-01 Interest on Internal Debt 2049-02 Interest on External Debt 2049-04 Interest on Loans and Advances from Central Government 2049-05 Interest on Reserve Fund 6003-101-01 Market Loans bearing interest 6003-110 Ways & Means Advances from RBI 6004 Loans and Advances from Central Government 7810 Inter State Settlement 7999 Appropriation to the Contingency Fund 8007 Investment of NSS Fund 8115 Depreciation Renewal Reserve Fund 8116 Revenue Reserve Fund 8117 Development Fund 8118 Capital Reserve Fund 8119 Railway Safety Fund 8121 General & other Reserve Funds 8122 Sinking Fund 8449-103 Subversions from central Road Fund 8658-110 CAO-RBS 8658-111 Departmental Adjustment Account 8658-113 PF Suspense 8673 Cash balance Investment Account 8680 Miscellaneous Govt. Accounts 8999 Cash Balance 8658-102-01 Unclassified Suspense
c) Following Major Head/Minor Heads are to be operated by PW/Forest Division and not by Treasuries.
8658-Suspense-107 CSS Account 8671- Departmental Balances
d) All Major Heads, which are meant for Central Government are not to be operated by DTOs/PWD/Forest Division eg: 2037-Customs, 2038-Union Excise Duties, 2046/0046-Currency Coinage and Mint etc.
Principal Accountant General (A&E), Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad Web Administrator: |