Andhra Pradesh state, initial accounts are compiled
by the treasuries themselves at the district level
and compiled accounts are rendered to the Principal
Accountant General. Accounts are compiled from the
monthly compiled accounts rendered by treasuries and
the PAOs of public works and forest divisions.
In addition Inter-Governmental transactions
affecting state Government balances through the
Central Accounts Section, Reserve Bank of India,
Nagpur and through the exchange of DDs/cheques are
also incorporated in the accounts by this office.
Civil Accounts is the consolidated account of the
transactions of the State Government showing
receipts and payments of the Govt. which have
originated within the State as well as transactions
of the Government with other States, Central
Ministries, various RBIs and Government Departments
indicating clearly the opening cash balance at the
beginning of the month and closing cash balance of
the Government at the end of the month.
Civil Account of the State Government for a month is
rendered to the Finance Department of the government
by 25th of the succeeding month.