Comptroller and Auditor General of India is the constitutional
head of the Indian Audit and Accounts Department and is appointed
by the President of India. In this context Articles 149, 150 and
151 of the Constitution of India refer.
The duties and powers of the C&AG of India
are prescribed in the C&AG (Duties, Powers and Conditions of
Services) Act, 1971. According to the provisions of this Act,
C&AG is responsible for:
Compilation of the accounts of the Union and
subsidiary accounts rendered to the Accounts and
Entitlement Offices under his control by treasuries and other
Audit of the accounts of and the transactions
relating to the Consolidated fund, Contingency fund and the
Public Accounts of the Union, the States and Union
In pursuance of the above
provision, the Accountants General of each state discharges the
above functions. In Andhra Pradesh, the state Accountnats
General are organised in three offices:
O/o the Accountant General (Civil Audit), Andhra Pradesh
O/o the Accountant
General (Commercial & Receipt Audit), Andhra Pradesh
O/o the Principal
Accountant General (Accounts & Entitlement), Andhra
The O/o the Accountant General audits the accounts of the civil departments in
Andhra Pradesh State Government and prepares the civil audit
reports, tabled in the State Legislature.
The O/o the
Accountant General (Commercial & Receipt Audit) audits the
revenues of the Government of Andhra Pradesh and the State Public
Sector Units. It prepares the commercial audit reports presented
to the State Legislature.
The O/o the Principal
Accountant General (Accounts & Entitlement) prepares the
Accounts of the Andhra Pradesh State Government (Monthly Civil
Accounts, Finance and Appropriation Accounts etc.) and also
maintains the General Provident fund accounts of State Government
employees. It also settles the pension of retired State
Government Employees.